The Robins Get Rounder Bun Toons! YAY!

It's time for some new, Frank ideas...

It’s time for some new, Frank ideas…

Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers…if anyone doesn’t know about the new plans for the DC Batman books coming up, stop reading.  I can’t be clearer than that…

You’ve read this far.  It’s too late!

round robin small rev

You know, they re-introduced VIBE into the DCU without making it terrible, so let’s cross our fingers for this newest addition to the child-care nightmare that is Wayne Manor.

Ty the Guy OUT!


carrie in Batman Adventures

Rick Burchett and your humble blogger introduced Carrie into the DCAU fairly early in the series, but only to be arrested in the very next panel.


For last week's Easter Themed Bun Toon, please click above

For last week’s Easter Themed Bun Toon, please click above

For the BUN TOON ARCHIVE, going back more than two years, click the proud rabbit.

For the BUN TOON ARCHIVE, going back more than two years, click the proud rabbit.

3 responses to “The Robins Get Rounder Bun Toons! YAY!

  1. Death before full maturation? Hmmm, where are the Dakota “right-to-lifers” when there so clearly should be pickets before DC HQ?


    Steven Willis

  2. David T.G. Riches

    What is that background behind Bunnie and Carrie?

    • Yeah, it’s a scribbly mess. It’s supposed to be a bank of monitors, like behind the desk of a newsreader. Not as clear as I could have made it. I do Bun Toon at the speed of thought some mornings. Today I was present at the Toronto Comic Book Marathon (at 9.00 am) and was curtailed greatly in my Bun Tooning time. But still, t’is no excuse, and I shall not scrimp the backgrounds in future.
      Your Tooning Rabbit.

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