A Spectacular Discovery in the World of Super-Heroes Radio

I have been waiting for this for months now, and I’m not going to wait until Friday this week, I’m too bursting with excitement.

The Hoverboy Radio series has finally been cleaned up, remastered, restored, and is up online for your listening pleasure!  These historic radio performances from the War Years are NOT TO BE MISSED!

A Hoverboy comic strip from 1941. Like radio, only quieter.

I thought I’d never get to hear these audio dramas in my lifetime, but a box of old reel-to-reels found in a flea market in Des Moines turned out to be a treasure trove of lost Hoverboy radio shows.    They were badly damaged, but the curators of the Hoverboy Museum spent the money to get them restored, and they’re done!

Once, advertisements like this dotted the landscape.

The first episode is up online at the HOVERBOY YOU TUBE CHANNEL.   These actors spin a swell yarn, let me tell you, and there’s some fine ukulele singing near the end that makes the episode timeless.

You'll be looking at this image a lot, as there are no pictures in radio.

As many of the long time blog-readers know, my grandfather worked on this series, as the copy-writer and announcer (That’s grand-dad’s voice you’ll hear all through the episode, moving the adventure along).  You might  recognize the voice of Rick  Green’s grandfather in there, who co-wrote the episode with my grandfather and performed some of the characters.  The grandparents of both Steve (Ed-the-Sock) Kerzner and Liana K were actors for this war-era show, as well as the great grandfather of Robert Pincombe, who played Hoverboy for this early series, and Marcus Moore (co-curator of the Hoverboy Museum), whose great uncle produced and edited the whole thing.    It’s damn odd that all these grandkids turn out to be friends of mine, but I’ve chosen not to pay attention to the coincidence.

Another Olde Tyme Hoverboy toy, because the internet requires pictures to keep you youngsters paying attention.

That’s enough of my yakking.  Go listen to the first  show, and let me know what you think of our restoration work.  I think it sounds pretty good–  Like it was recorded only yesterday…

And head over to the Hoverboy Online Museum, which has been putting up NEW Hoverboy Comic Strips for weeks now, as well as other surprises.  The Bucket Rocket Ride is heading up into the sky.  HOVERBOY AWAY!

(and join the Facebook Fan Page to let these fine folks know how much you appreciate the work they’ve put in to restore these shows:)
Hoverboy |

And Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your comic book moment of zen:

Hoverboy - battling science in the months before he went on the radio!

6 responses to “A Spectacular Discovery in the World of Super-Heroes Radio

  1. Restoration seems to have done a pretty good job. It is great to hear some of these classic oldies!


    Steven G. Willis

  2. A truly gripping adventure which involved far more ukulele music than one might assume.

  3. Hang on…”Quite likely true…To be fair…Fair point…one might assume…”?
    This is far to civil a conversation for the internet. Where are the accusations of Nazi-ism? Sorry…talking about Hoverboy always makes me want to choose sides!

    • This is precisely why Hoverboy isn’t a Canadian and never used the internet. Remember the story arc where he fought Canadian superhero Captian Politeness and his sidekick, Well-Mannered Lad? That pretty much summed up all our national differences right there (and, I might add, preceded “Due South” by decades).

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