One Fine Set of Bun Toons! YAY!

If only I had more fine days in the week!

If only I had more fine days in the week!

There’s no escaping it.  The dreaded DEADLINE DOOM is still with us (though it will be over in a matter of days).  That means I STILL cannot spare even eight minutes this weekend, without making it impossible to make my Monday deadlines.

Since it’s such a fine day, I thought today I would re-run all my Bun Toons that start with the phrase, “One Fine Day….”.  I did a lot of those in the early years of the Bun Toon, firstly because it was an homage to Don Martin, but mostly because it meant I didn’t have to have continuing characters, or a point of view, or my own comedic voice.

These are a few of my favorites of the “ONE FINE DAY…” Bun Toons.


Is there anything as timeless as an Adam Lambert reference?

bus stop

My kids have pointed out to me how very odd it would be to have a young person reading a book.  It should have been a Kindle.  Live and learn.


It’s funny because cancer.

I shall be back next week with an ALL-NEW BUN TOON, I promise.  Unless there’s some sort of natural disaster or the Earth opens up.

Ty the Guy OUT!

AND as your Bonus ONE FINE DAY…I even have one about Halloween, which is coming up, so it SEEMS timely.


This last one is actually true, by the way….so it’s also an HONEST TO GOD TRUE LIFE ADVENTURE….another series within Bun Toons, I shall save for some future deadline doom.


For last week's "Best of the Bun Toons" deadline re-runs, click here.

For last week’s “Best of the Bun Toons” deadline re-runs, click here.

For the Bun Toon archive, a sort of Best and Worst and Everything in here.

For the Bun Toon archive, a sort of Best and Worst and Everything in between…click here.



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