More Family Bun Toons, YAY! Now with more BATMAN!


Many of you readers know I have four kids.  All four have shown up on the blog a lot lately, I’m not sure why, really, but the trend continues.

I’ve meant to put this up for quite a while , it’s the opening chapter of a comic book I did with my son, Taylor, back when he was seven years old.  When kids are that age, parents often read them a bed-time story, but Taylor insisted we do it backwards – that he WRITE himself a bedtime story, and that I illustrate it.  Each night for a couple of months,  Taylor would create two pages of a story, telling me what to draw, rather specifically,  in the panels, while dictating the dialogue…and it all went onto pieces of folded paper (so it would resemble a printed comic book).

There are many chapters of this epic tale, this is the first one.   Some of the word balloons are hard to read, I know, I think Taylor lettered one or two of them.

WHEW!  What a cliffhanger!!  Whatever will Flash do?!?

Tune in some time in the random future when I publish another instalment of this fantastic tale.  Not next week, I’ll have something else next week.  And not likely the week after that, but some time!

Who says this is the Bun Toons age of random nepotism?

Ty the Guy OUT!!

It was done many years after the comic my son Taylor wrote, but it turned out a zillion times more successful – so, here’s your “written-by-a-real-kid” comic book bonus moment:  THE ORIGIN OF AXE-COP!

If you don’t know about Axe-Cop, you’re out of the loop, baby!  Get hip to the sick webcomic goodness here.


For last week's "written-by-an-adult" Bun Toons, click the face of death.

For Every Bun Toon ever, click the still living Bunny

14 responses to “More Family Bun Toons, YAY! Now with more BATMAN!

  1. We can never forget to not underestimate the imagination of youth.


    Steven Willis

  2. This is pretty awesome. I think the panel of the Batmobile going “VROOOM” looks frickin awesome!!

  3. Can I just say how jealous I am of both of you? My dad gave me a half hour long lecture when I was 7 years old about how I should quit watching cartoons because pretend stuff wouldn’t get me anywhere in the “real” world. (I should probably bring this up in my forthcoming therapy appointment.)

    That aside, I eagerly await chapter 2!

  4. This reminds me of what my dad would do when I was little. He’d tell stories and then make doodles to go along with it at my and my siblings suggestions.

  5. Man, this was pretty awesome B)
    Loved it!

    awww, my dad never told me stories…so I started making my own 😛

    Love it, thanks for posting these up for all of us^^

  6. This is beyond beautiful! 🙂

  7. “We threw a lot of batarangs, but it didn’t help” may be one of the greatest lines of dialogue I have ever read. This quote should be on posters, mugs, and inspirational needlepoints.

    • There really is an amazing quality to the creative mind of young kids. They come up with lines adults simply could not write with the same authority. My favourite line in this first chapter is “I’m everywhere Batman, don’t you know I’m the speed of lightning?”, because of how sure Taylor was in the wording of it. I remember asking him if he wanted to change the syntax, suggesting instead, “It’s like I’m everywhere Batman, I’m as fast as lightning” or something, but Taylor was insistent of the way every line was to be written, and I stopped discussing it with him after this page. Which of course, is why it’s interesting to read.

  8. Love it! Taylor is quite the talent!

  9. Travis, I hope your childhood imagination was not squashed by harsh words from your papa. I’m sure he only wanted to help. It’s sad how many times I hear these kinds of stories from people whose parents meant well…

    Eden, I’m totally with you on the bat-a-rang merchandise idea. Robin sure is despondent in this story though. And isn’t he supposed to be the character kids identify most with? Were you concerned at all about Taylor at the time, Ty?

  10. Taylor is fifteen now, and re-read the comic when it showed up on the blog over the weekend. He told me that he laughed himself silly at the opening scene where Robin seems suicidally morose…I’m not sure if he recalls why Robin was having such a miserable evening in the Cave that day. So much of what makes the minds of seven year olds interesting is their mercurial mood swings. When I get around to putting up later chapters, you’ll all be amazed at how quickly the story changes direction at whim.

  11. Glad to hear he got a chuckle out of it, and looking forward to reading the rest. I’m so hoping for more about Batman’s shaken trust in batarangs…an angle as-of-yet unexplored in mainstream Bat-books! Take a bow Taylor!

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