Tag Archives: Rationalization Man

Saturday Morning Cartoons! Free Webcomics!

How does it get to be Saturday earlier every week?  I suspect the Mayans are involved, they’ve been messing with the calendars for centuries.

Well, here you go,  you hungry webcomic consumers, once again, it’s time for….

When last we saw STAVROS and LANA, they were stuck in a dungeon, awaiting execution…OR WORSE!!

For more ROUND-UP adventures, click the navi-button up top, or go here.

Now– the FIRST of these webcomics…uploaded about six months ago, before I had any idea how to do a blog, and I think only eleven people originally read it.  So I’m adding it again, now that we have a thirty-nine regular readers.  For those who read it before — I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.  Oh wait, this is a free webcomic.  What do I care about your feelings?


Wow.  It seems so long ago that I first posted that–a crazy world where Obama had only been president for a little under a year, and American Idol was still in auditions, instead of in elimination rounds.  Such a happier, more innocent time…

See you next week, with MUCH more blogging than lately.  (I’ve been doing that “work” thing lately, and “paying the bills” and stuff. That’s getting caught up, so I can come back here and play more!)  And if you missed the strangest thing that happened to me in a decade, (where I discover my father is Satan, and once drove the moon out of orbit…) scroll down, or click here.


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Rationalization Man

I know I promised that I would start posting more but I’ve been really busy.  There’s been a lot to do with the kids.  And it’s been really cold.  My fingers have been cramped from so much drawing. And with this H1N1 virus and the housing crisis, well…

now I feel better that I’ve explained it.

Ty the Guy