Frazetta vs. Al Gore, from beyond the grave! Batman vs. Talk Show Hosts!

Should Chief Dubbins be embarrassed about that?

I’m certain this is an amusing co-incidence, but a friend of mine (Paul Truster) showed me this reproduction of a Johnny Comet daily strip from 1952, featuring the fantastic art of Frank Frazetta, and a four panel besmirching of Al Gore’s good name.

Sex scandal follows Al Gore wherever he goes...check out the Blue Garter Club!

In 1952, the Al Gore you and I know about, was barely four years old.  His days of rooming with Tommy Lee Jones, inspiring the novel LOVE STORY losing the election for President to an activist/ corrupt court, and winning academy awards and Nobel Prizes was far in his future.  But his father AL GORE SR. was a senator from Tennessee at the time, having spent decades as a well known congressman for the same state, and being an outspoken critic of segregation for years, he was known on a national stage.   It’s POSSIBLE this was an amusing nod to a senator Frank liked…or it could be a co-incidence.

Either way, it seems that the name AL GORE and SEX SCANDAL were linked together as far back as ’52.    Tipper may have gotten out just in time!

Of note, Al Gore wasn’t the only future celebrity menacing the heroes of comics back in the late Golden AgeDavid Letterman and Batman had a puzzling animosity for each other in the late Forties that has never been explained.

At some point Dave gave up pipes for cigars, breaking the speed limit, and allowing stalkers into his home.

I believe Miley Cyrus was originally a recurring villain in Marvel’s Sub-Mariner comic, as well.  Let me look up the issues and get back to you.


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11 responses to “Frazetta vs. Al Gore, from beyond the grave! Batman vs. Talk Show Hosts!

  1. Pingback: Turns out Al Gore has been a problem for even longer than we thought | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

  2. Pingback: Turns out Al Gore has been a problem for even longer than we thought | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

  3. Great finds, Ty.

    I always figured Miley for a supervillain of some sort. I bet there’s some sort of robotic steel head under that chipmunk-cheeked face of her’s.

  4. Pingback: Frazetta vs. Al Gore, from beyond the grave! Batman vs. Talk Show … | Batman

  5. Wow, that “Letterman” cover is creepy. Anyone know if Letterman has ever seen a copy? Seems like the kind of thing he’d feature on his show if he did. Been years since I was a regular viewer, but I recall he used to feature some videos and record covers with gap-toothed and bad-haired people who slightly resembled him.

  6. I seem to remember he did put this on his show many years ago. I haven’t watched him regularly for a while, but I think it was about ten years ago, during exactly one of those segments full of Letterman Lookalikes when he showed it off. I’ve been aware of the cover since I got the Gerber PHOTO-JOURNAL COVER GUIDE books in the Eighties, and always wanted to send him a really decent scan of it, which is now easy to find on the comic book database.

  7. This was in Sunday’s Toronto Star Entertainment section as a link to check out.

  8. Kinda weird that the Detective Comics cover actually does look like the modern David Letterman celebrity.


    Steven G. Willis

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