Category Archives: Toronto Cartoonists Workshops






That’s how many days left until you can get a copy of HOLMES INCORPORATED in your hot little hands! Sidle up to the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop booth (#4009) with your money in hand–$5.95! SO CHEAP! We’re practically GIVING it away! FIFTY-TWO PAGES!  The STARS of TOMORROW working TODAY!

Why are you still here? Unless you’re reading this on your iPhone, leave the computer immediately and head on down to Fan Expo Canada 2010!

See ya there!

Ty the Guy!!

5…4…3…2…ONE!!! Holmes Incorporated on sale TOMORROW!

Over a hundred and twenty years in the making (if you count from the time “A STUDY IN SCARLET” was first published), and now down to 24 hours, the HOLMES INCORPORATED book is back from the printers, and ready to pass into the hands of the trembling-with-anticipation world.

Now, you can’t know your players without a scorecard, and we at Holmes Inc. headquarters are kind enough to provide one, because that’s the sort of caring individuals we are.

you might have to click on the image to make it large enough to read...

And here’s the last (BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST!!) teaser you’re going to get before the issue is released tomorrow… the first few panels from a delightful two-pager that caps off our 52 page 1st issue extravaganza.  We’ve been giving out two page previews for the other stories, but since our youngest creative genius, (twenty year old Pierce Desrochers-O’Sullivan) was creating a two page story, I can’t give it all out at once, can I?So there’s the first few panels to whet the appetite.   And if there isn’t some Shake’s Beer on sale in the real world soon, I’m causing a ruckus.  I LOVE that gag…

For those attending the FanExpo convention tomorrow and all weekend, you must promise not to mob these creators and tear at their clothes.  Yes, they’re about to become household words, like Jim Lee, or Jack Kirby, Paul McCartney or even Comet Cleanser, but they’re STILL HUMAN BEINGS!  Give them their dignity.

At this point, there’s so much Holmes stuff on this site, if you want to see more, just click on the category tag just below, where it says “HOLMES INC.” and you’ll be transported to a magical page where so much goodness can be had for the click of a mouse button, or an iphone punch, or whatever you kids are doing with your new fangled computo-machines.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your comic book moment of zen

T-Minus TWO DAYS and counting. Holmes is on the way!

We’re down to the wire.  I can see the wire over there, and it’s rushing up towards us at breakneck speed.  Holmes Incorporated is less than 72 hours from your hot little hands, and the air is electric with anticipation.

Today’s sensational story is written by Manly Mike Marano , penciled by the Amazing Alex Greychuck, and inked by Dapper Dean Dumont.   (Just one more day of the alliterative names, whew!)  While I love all the stories in this issue, this one holds a place in my heart as being the only tale to actually feature the original master detective, Sherlock himself.  But don’t worry, we ain’t wallowing in Victorian language and situations.  I’m fairly sure I recall some modern day machine gun-toting drug dealers show up later in the story.  But you’ll have to buy the issue to see all the gunfire.

An unsolved case?  So it wasn’t always so elementary, was it Watson?

Personally, I hope I never run into Mind-Spiders of Madagascar, but I’m a timid sort and faint easily.  For those who can survive that kind of heart stopping thrill, have we got a comic for YOU!

Here’s yesterday’s entry.  Go HERE for more previews.  Go HERE for a large image of the cover!  Here for more pages!  Here for even MORE pages! and HERE for more preview art again.  With 52 big pages to fill, we’ve got tons of stories to tell, and the game is afoot in every darn one!   See you at the convention this weekend, you lucky comic fans!

Ty the Guy OUT!

In honor of the mind-spiders, here now, your comic book moment of zen:


Just three days before we launch Holmes Incorporated out into an eager world.  Three days before FanExpo, and three days before all my soon-to-be-published and soon-to-be-big-shot friends see their hard work come to fruition.

Today’s this-can’t-really-be-their-first-published-work entry comes from Magnificent Madeleine Beaupré (script),  Ravishing Rachael Wells (pencils), and Popular Pierce Desrochers-O’Sullivan (inks).  Besides being another fabulous and fun story, I believe this entry has the advantage of being created by the three most wonderful creators’ names in the biz.  They all sound like stars, now they get to shine like ’em.

I know I’m biased, but I love that shot of Trey Holmes leaping for joy at the end of page one.

Going undercover at an all-girl’s school…?  Where do I volunteer?

To finish this pulse pounding tale of terrificness, show up at FanExpo and pick up your own amazingly inexpensive copy of HOLMES INCORPORATED No. #1, and prove you’re just that savvy.

Go HERE for yesterday’s Bobby Bomber pages.  Go HERE for the cover!  Here for more pages!  Here for even MORE pages! and HERE for more pages.   The TCW age of Comics has arrived, or at least it will in a mere three days.  Tomorrow, check back for even MORE exciting work from tomorrow’s superstars of comics.


Here now, your  comic book moment of zen

The Bobby Bomber Strikes!

It’s Monday.   Just a week to go before Canada’s answer to San Diego Comicon, a little sumthin’ we call FanExpo.  It’s just as much fun, but with more Bill Shatner, since he’s from here in the first place.   As mentioned a zillion times, we’re debuting the first issue of the brain-explodingly exciting new series HOLMES INCORPORATED at the convention, and I’ve been previewing the pages for the breathlessly awaiting world.

Today’s Holmes Inc. fix is brought to you by the never-before-published creative time of Rarin’-to-go Rob Oakman (script) Jazzy Jeff Rusland (pencils) and Joyful Jeff Longstreet (inks), along with so-hot-I-married-her K.T. Smith on letters.

Don’t you love it when stuff blows up on page one? Much better than starting the story in a restaurant, I always say…unless the restaurant blows up.

And this story ends up with an action sequence featuring the guy in the wheelchair that’s great fun.   Who says this isn’t the Octogenarian Age of Comics?

Go HERE for the cover!  Here for more pages!  Here for even MORE pages! and HERE for more pages.   This 52 page extravaganza of modern detective fun can be had by you for a mere $5.95 at the convention as a pre-release deal (can we truly be selling this comic for so little in these tough economic times?!?  Hell yeah, we’re giving your wallet a break and your brain a great time!)


Here now, your comic book moment of Zen

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MORE HOLMES INC. PAGES. (Imagine a big Michael Bay-like explosion right there and that’s how exciting this is)

Get out your heart medicine and keep it handy as you view these pages  – likely to burst your chest pumper with excitement!  In fact, keep a cardiologist on speed-dial as you check out the rich chocolatey goodness that is Holmes Incorporated.

Today’s sampling, fresh from the pile of pages which went off to the printer yesterday (late this morning?)…

Fingerless Prince, written by the Hellagood Heather Emme,  penciled and inked by the Amazing Adam Gorham, lettered by the  Cantakerous KT Smith, and enjoyed by humanity everywhere.

Okay. Two pages–that was the deal.  Any more and you’ll figure out the ending before the Holmes family does!

Come to FanExpo Canada next weekend to buy your very own issue from the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop before we sell out.   And while you’re there–all the creators will be doing signings over the weekend (I’ll be there Saturday, 2-4pm with Gibson Quarter), and you can breathe the rarefied air of artistic genius.

Now, I have no time to keep the avalanche of adjectives going so–go, go home!


Here now, your COMIC BOOK moment of zen.

UPDATE! According to my blog counter, there’s suddenly a thousand people showing up here, and I don’t want them to miss out on the earlier entries, cause THERE’S SO MUCH MORE HOLMES INC to see!

Go HERE for the cover!  Here for more pages!  Here for even MORE pages! and HERE for more pages.   This book is great to read, and fun to look at and I’m happy to be a part of the start of so many great careers in comics.  Check back on Monday for even MORE pages in this exciting new project, and don’t forget tomorrow, the GREATEST FIGHT IN HISTORY:  Hulk vs. Buddha.  (Go here to see JESUS vs. Superman!)

Upcoming appearances…

Ty will be signing at the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop booth while at FanExpo Canada. Saturday August 28, 2010, 2pm-4pm with artist Gibson Quarter. Copies of Holmes Incorporated will be available for sale at the booth. Ty inked a seven-page story by Gibson Quarter, edited the entire issue which is based on his concept, characters, etc.

Holmes Incorporated Marches On!

…or would that be AUGUSTS on?  Wrong month, terrible pun.

The first issue is off to the printers today!  But the advance copies won’t be ready for sale until the FANEXPO convention at the end of the month, so I have plenty o’ time to show you lucky surfers of the info-wave what’s in store for the privileged few who will be in Toronto the last weekend of August.

AHHH! I expect a refund on my airline tickets.

The cover is by (yechh) Ty the Guy Templeton, often referred to as my wife’s best friend.  I wanted this to be the greatest cover of my career, but I think it turned out closer to the SEVENTH greatest cover of my career.  Considering I’ve done more than a hundred covers in the 25 years I’ve been at it, that’s all right with me.

Forgive me if the colours look too red, or too yellow, or too brown, I’m uploading this on a computer with a crappy monitor, and I have no idea what the final look will be for you at home –  your mileage may vary, void where prohibited.  It looks spiffy in the original file, so I get to breathe out and relax.

My favorite thing about this composition is where Edgar Holmes’ priorities lie…his sister and his father are on fire, plummeting to their deaths, and he’s trying to grab the magnifying glass…but when you’re a Holmes, that spy-eye glass is your icon and you gots to save the icons first.

More glorious Holmes pages tomorrow, this time by the already great, but soon to be world famous team of Heather Emme and and Adam Gorham.  Try not to fidget and worry too much until tomorrow, but it’ll be worth the wait!


Here now, your comic book moment of zen.

More Holmes Inc. Magnificence!

The shameless promotion of the new Holmes Inc comic continues.  I have no shame.  None whatsoever.  I often wander naked into a church and start belching loudly,  just to prove it can be done.   But for this project, I have no reason to be ashamed…this stuff is actually darn good, and here’s more proof.  Another sample of the kind of top flight stories you’re gonna get in this new series…this time, script by Roarin’ Rob Pincombe, pencils by Glorious Gibson Quarter with inks by the lovable schmuck who writes this blog.  Letters by the magnificent K.T. Smith (the only one of the three contributors I’ve ever showered with).

When you see comics this exciting, try not to drool on your motherboard, as it’s not good for the electronic bits under the keys.

Solved the case?  On page one….oh, I don’t think so.

Ah, the plot thicks…

If you’re in Toronto at the end of the months, show up at FANEXPO Canada and get your pre-release copy…as I imagine you CANNOT wait after seeing these pages online.  I know I can’t wait to see how it turns out, and I edited and inked the darn thing.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your comic book moment of zen:


As promised yesterday, we’re gonna preview the many terrific illustrators and writers that the new Holmes Incorporated project will be showcasing, many of whom will be in print for the very first time!  I think you’ll agree with me that the skills these creators are showing off are off-the-scale for folks on the front end of their careers.

Here ya go!  More preview pages. Writer Kathleen Gallagher and artist Eden Bachelder bring us their story featuring the teenage sword-carrying martial-artist / secret agent, Sherlock Holmes the III.  Known to her friends as “Trey”.

And hey!  Let’s never forget the splendiforous lettering of K.T. Smith!  Let the parade of excitement continue!

Whoops!  Clues?  In a Holmes story?  I’ll bet that leads somewhere…

And you can find out when you buy the preview issue at FAN EXPO CANADA or online after the show!

Let Eden and Kathleen know what you think of ’em in the comments section.  Go all rah-rah, both because they deserve it, and because it will make you feel good.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your Comic Book moment of Zen

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