Monthly Archives: January 2016

Evil Bun Toons! Bwah hah hah!

bunny worried logo

There’s nothing quite so evil as a cartoon rabbit.

supervillain confession

There goes my next three assignments from Marvel.  I live like a rebel.

Ty the Guy OUT!


Of course, the only place Donald Trump BELONGS is in the funny papers.


Like in this issue of Mad Magazine’s 20 Dumbest of 2015, featuring work your humble rabbit cartoonist!  Probably still on sale at lazier news stands that don’t turn over their stock very quickly!


00 official logo red cmyk

If you’re in the Toronto area, and are interested in learning to write and draw comics, come on down to the bootcamp and learn!  Writing and anatomy classes coming up in just a few weeks!  Click above for details.

legends link

for last week’s vicious attack on the “other” company, click here.

bunny worried logo green

for the Bun Toon Archive of past years, click here. (yes, it needs updating, but I live a life of fast cars and quality women).

Pre-Con Sketchcover Commissions 2016


I generally only do commissions on-site at conventions but after a number of requests, I did some in advance last year. I was pleased at the results (I like working at home in my drawing chair!) so I’ll be doing it again this year. At the moment, I’m limiting this to sketchcovers. As long as a convention is still listed, I’ll be taking commission requests for it but I am limiting numbers for each con.



Toronto Comicon March 18 – 20


Emerald City Comicon April 6 – 10

Calgary Entertainment & Comic Expo April 28 – May 1

(More to be added as they’re announced)

batman manbat ty templeton

At this time I’m only planning on doing sketchcovers. I do have some sketchcovers in stock; if you want something else, I will see if I can get it from my LCS (and will let you know the added cost).

Single figures are $60, Two figures are $90, ink, markers and copics.

The blank sketchcovers I currently have on hand are:

Batman 66 #23

Batgirl #38

Superman #32 

A-Force Secret Wars #001

The Flash #39

Wolverine #310

Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #001

Wonder Woman #19

Wonder Woman #36 

Justice League #16

rat a tat penguin ty templeton


All covers will be available for pick-up ONLY at the convention. Payment can be in cash at the convention or you can PayPal me before pickup.

If you’re interested, send me an email at and tell me which blank, and what you’re looking for. I’ll confirm with you before I start anything.


Ty the Guy OUT!


window bunny

A legend in my own lunch time.

As always, when new comic book media arrives, I’m here to help sort it all out.

The CW just launched a new series, spinning off from ARROW and FLASH, and I watched the pilot so you don’t have to…


websize rev 2

I-Zombie is safe.  That’s about a zombie.  And Lucifer is coming, and he’s hardly “B-List” in the name-recognition game.  But I worry about these “Legends”.

Past is prologue.

Ty the Guy OUT!


I have it on good authority that Brother Power The Geek is joining the LEGENDS squad as soon as they can find anyone who remembers him.  Then come the SEA DEVILS.




philosophy link

for last week’s bun toon, click here


A legend in my own lunch time.

How to Use Philosophy Bun Toons! YAY!

bun toon alt flowers

Saving you the cost of a college degree.

Hey there, Bunny People.  Hope 2016 is treating you well…it’s treating some of my favorite performers rather poorly…

how to use philosophy

Nothing’s more fun than defeating one of them high-fallutin’ brain-thinkers at their own game.  Where’s my prize money?  Where?

Ty the Guy OUT!


Of course David Bowie was more than a recording artist and actor….

labyrinth cover

Naturally he was a comic book star as well.  How could he NOT be?

die hard cover

I think Alan Rickman is in the DIE HARD comic book, but I didn’t read it…

grizzly adams

I’m afraid that the closest I could come to a comic book image to tribute Dan “Grizzly Adams” Haggerty, who also passed away this week.



Since I haven’t talked to you for a couple of weeks, I thought I’d push the comics that came in since Christmas with my work on ’em or in ’em…run down to your local comic store and buy them out of this product…my children STILL need to eat, and philosophy books can only provide so much…


The MAD came out a couple of weeks ago, just before Christmas, but it’s likely STILL on sale.    The Bunny got to contribute to the annual list of dumbest by drawing an article…I wasn’t dumb, myself.


My Jughead alt-cover came out LAST week.  My first contribution to the world of New Archie, and I couldn’t be happier…I hope they let me do more (hint, hint!)

evil dead cover

My Evil Dead 2: Cradle of the Damned cover came out THIS week, and they ARE letting me do more over there…I have a few more covers, and maybe a script or two from the fine folks at SGP.


top five countdown

For those who can’t get enough of the Bun Toon, here’s the TOP FIVE entries from last year!  CLICK ABOVE

star wars bun toons title

For the last Bun Toon of  2015 (a Force Awakens Bun Toon) click here



Enough of THAT year Bun Toons! YAY

00 year end countdown

Happy New Year Bunny People!  Another year over and a new one, just begun.

But before we send you off to explore the future, one last look back at the year that was…our annus horribilis, as we affectionately call it around here….and our annual TOP FIVE COUNTDOWN!

Our FIFTH most popular BUN TOON of the year, as counted by the fine folks at PRICE WATERHOUSE, celebrated a certain announcement from DC Comics about fairness, and justice and who deserved a finger…

finger justice

I got quite a few angry emails about drawing Bob Kane in a demon costume…but I cannot stress enough that Bob is wearing the original Batman suit he designed (and Bill Finger re-designed away).  It only LOOKS like a demon costume of you know anything about Bob Kane.



The Aluminium Award goes to one of my “Everything You Need to Know in Four Panels” strips (keep an eye out, “all in four panels” will be a theme today).  In the fall, CBS started up the Adventures of Supergirl on Monday nights, and I was there to help the uninitiated understand the backstory to our beloved Kara Zor-el.

SUPERGIRL in four panels

Yes, I left out the part about the semi-human pink Jello-Beastie that was Supergirl for most of the 90s.  I didn’t think the uninitiated were quite ready for that.  And yes…they SORT of killed the dog in an imaginary story, which ain’t the same thing.  Fiction Dogs still get treated to less time in refrigerators than women do.



The Bronze goes to…

Another of the FOUR PANELS series, this time appropriately about four characters in their fourth live action movie.  This really should have been entry #4, but sometimes the universe doesn’t understand neatness.


I heard an internet rumour that FOX is working on another FF movie.  Seriously.  After that train wreck, they’re going again?  Whee?



Silver Medal time at the Rabbit Round-up, this time the long ears get all “political”.

fun with flags websize revised

No word of a joke, about five days after this toon went online, back in June, the Confederate flag started coming down in front of state houses all across America.  It was a very popular Bun Toon, reblogged and re-tweeted and had many thousands of readers.  I like to think the Bun Toon single-handedly ended the race troubles in the USA, but I wouldn’t be humble if I suggested it, so one of my fans has to.

Go on.  I’m waiting…



Golden Memories.  The Number #1 Bun Toon of 2015 came after a month-long absence from the funny-web due to an inconvenient brush with death back in April.  I flat-lined three times and those silly doctors kept bringing me back from the great beyond…

For a couple of weeks after I got out of the hospital, I couldn’t really draw well, (pain meds are wonderful, but they give the grey matter some silly attitudes about proportion and muscle control), and could only produce a Bun Toon by lifting the art from better artists.

It’s another “Everything Explained in Four Panels” Bun Toon, this time about the Netflix Daredevil series.

Clearly Daredevil is a huge hit, as this Bun Toon was by far the most read of the year.

daredevil hearts

I’m still kind of baffled that Marvel didn’t call me to take over the Daredevil book after that.  Clearly, I deserve it, going to hell and back and everything.  Who’s writing it now?  Did they die and come back?  Pussies.


And now…the LOSER!

It’s never a proper celebration unless I embrace the failures as well, and this year the big “no one read it” Bun Toon comes from just a few weeks ago.  (Every year, the least popular Bun Toon comes from early December…I’m starting to sense a pattern).  This time out, it was a travel diary from my recent trip to India, and I’m presenting again, so the internet may ignore it again as furiously as it did the last time I ran it, three weeks ago.

and back home


And that’s it.  Another year in the memory hole, never to be considered again, until the big TOP FIVE OF THE DECADE BUN TOONS coming up in just four years!  Wait by your computers for an announcement.

I’ll see you in a week or so as we start up the 2016 goofiness.  I suspect we’ll see a Bun Toon about Donald Trump as the year progresses, and maybe even something about President Hillary.  Also:  I predict that this is the year Florida and California slip into the ocean.  You heard it here first.

Ty the Guy, 2015 OUT!