Tag Archives: Superman

The Metaphor Goes Up, Up, and Awry!



It occurs to me this might sound like behind the scenes, Superman is a real sausage party.  Nothing of the sort.  Get your mind out of the sausage gutter.

Ty the Guy OUT!


Someday, I’ll share you with you, how I became an “brother of the Fraternity of the Sausage” with Neal Adams and Scott Hampton, both of whom have contributed their own links to the wonder of Superman.

It happened in Paris, many years ago.

I’m still haunted by it.



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For last week’s BUN TOON, click above

Woof! Bark! Arf! Bark! Bark! Bun Toons YAY!

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The dogs are barking.  I think that means we’re due for an earthquake.

fenrir sings

Fenrir tends to like blues songs or Ringo Starr songs.  She’s absolutely devoted to “Octopus’ Garden” and “Yellow Submarine” and comes running to the piano as soon as she hears the opening notes.

The real trouble with this arrangement is that I have three cats who hang around the living room.

They’re not happy about this new dog thing, but none of them have even TRIED to take the instrumental solo verse when I play, so screw them.  The dog’s in the band.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Dogs and comic books go together like squirrels and nuts…which is to say one tries to eat the other….

But dogs are occasionally the comic book star.


This is a “Who’s Who in DC Comics” art entry from fairly early in my career.  Rex the Wonder Dog, originally drawn by Gil Kane, but drawn badly here by me.  Who doesn’t love wonder dogs?  Writer James Robinson bought this piece of original art from me because he too loves the wonder dogs.


This is some of the art from a series of Seinfeld/Superman ads for American Express that included Jerry’s dog cavorting with Krypto.  I got to do the artwork for the ads, but never got to meet Jerry’s dog even though Jerry’s dog got to meet Krypto.  There are no perks in cartooning like there are in sit-com stardom.


For last week’s Bun Toon, also animal based, click the bunny above

Sunday Funnies Bun Toons! YAY!


I think it’s Super-bowl Sunday….?

So let’s get this out of the way:


Okay.  Awareness of the big game has been acknowledged.  Go Fightin’ Yanks, or Walruses, or whatever mascots are involved.

While the rest of the culture is focused on the sport-ball, they might be missing this huge announcement:

future site

I mean, who isn’t enjoying all these DC “location” shows about places WITHOUT their iconic citizens?  After F.S.0.T.F.0.S. debuts, I’m waiting for “Light Breakfast:  The story of a B&B in a lighthouse, run by Aquaman’s father before he meets his mom.”

Or BATCAVE: 1812.  A cavern’s place in a forgotten war.


Ty the Guy OUT!

There have long been comic books that played this game, by the way…


To be fair, Superman was on the cover, and in a framing sequence in this one.


He was just on the cover of this one–nowhere to be found inside.


Supes didn’t even make the cover of this series, which followed the stories of Luthor and Perry White as younger men.  The new WB series is supposedly about Lois Lane and Luthor solving mysteries together….so SORT OF like this comic, only not really.


The original “Gotham” comic book….without the homicidal, overacting Penguin.


Heck….they even DID a Fortress of Solitude comic book in the 80s.



KRYPTON:  Coming soon to SyFy Channel this month.

No Kal-el.  No Jor-el.  No Lara.  Probably no Beppo.

last week link

For last week’s Bun Toon, click above

All the News in Fits and Sprints Bun Toons! YAY!

sunday logo

If I wasn’t here you’d have to rely on the news cable stations.

There’s so much going on.  But what is the BIG STORY?


The red pants have been appearing regularly around here since 2011…


No kidding.  The Bunny wore them for quite a while, especially if the strip that week had something to do with DC or Superman…Here’s a toon praising the Grant Morrison run on Action Comics from 2012.




It can launch energy balls


…or fire off rockets


The little red pants were the only part of Superman to survive Doomsday.


Without them, the world would never have had this photo.


I’m proud to have worn them.

Ty the Guy OUT!


why gone link

LAST week’s Bun Toon.  Click above, I’m still here.

Bun Toons Teaches Important Lessons! YAY!

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A moment of sunshine and flowers first

Ah, what a delightful week it’s been.

People are asking questions….what can I do?  Where can I help?  What is the solution?

Well, I’m here to instruct.

how to punch a nazi

I’m encouraged by the anti-Nazi turnout in Boston today.  I’m encouraged the PayPal and Facebook and many other digital platforms have discovered a “No-Nazis” rule lately.  I’m encouraged that America is woke to racism now that a white woman is dead.

But we still have a few more Nazis to punch before they get the message.  I want those hate filled vermin to feel fear to leave their homes with “88” tattoos, or white power symbols.

No slope.  No slippery.

Punch a Nazi today.

Ty the Guy OUT!











Punching a Nazi is good exercise for the body and soul.

desk bunny blue

For the last Bun Toon (“Family Values”), click here.

Memorial Weekend Bun Toons! YAY!

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A moment of reflection, please…

memorial day hope

Next weekend, when Diana’s adventure opens, and we find out if hope triumphs over experience, I’ll be in Niagara Falls for a convention, but I’ll try to get out to the movies and report back as soon as I can.

I figure after thirty-eight bombs in a row, Warner Brothers is due for a good one.

Ty the Guy OUT!

I have a TEEENY bit of connection to this new Wonder Woman movie, I did a quick promotional film for the Cineplex chain, here in Canada.  Unfortunate movie goers have been trapped in a theatre with my face fifty feet high, for the last month or so…this is what they were forced to watch.

And now, your BONUS Bun Toon for the week.

wonder woman four panels

trump villain link

For last week’s comic book themed look at the Trump presidency, click the headline above.




An epic for our times.

I know the cliffhanger from LAST week’s BUN TOON was difficult to have to wait for, and this should have been up yesterday, but I had family in from out of town, and family comes first.  If I learned anything from this experience, it’s HOLD ON TO FAMILY.

If you missed it, here’s part one.

Now on to part TWO of our thrill-ride adventure.


At the time it all made perfect sense. 2016 had so much loss in it, and there had to be a line drawn in the sand…a hill worth dying on.

To be continued…



Ty the Guy OUT!


Scissors have always played an important part of the world of comics.


THESE Wonder Woman scissors still adorn my studio wall, given to me as a gift some years ago.  These scissors I shall NEVER let go.

Happy Birthdays DC Bun Toons! YAY!

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I knew it was coming and I still didn’t bake a cake.

With an entire week passed and no iconic heroes passing away, perhaps it’s time to reflect on the little baby comic books left in my crib recently…

after birth

Every now and then, I’m reminded that Superman means a lot to me.  He’s had his ass kicked in the movies and the New 52….but DARE I be hopeful about the Rebirth Kal-el?  Dare I?  I already like the Convergence Superman, and in theory….

Ty the Guy OUT!

If you’re new to the whole concept of the DC reboot, let me give you a crash course:


This was the last one.  All the Batmans and Supermans and Aquamans had to fight each other.  It made no sense, really.


This wasn’t a reboot so much as they simply changed everything about all the characters.  And it lasted maybe six months anyway.

dc new fifty two

The Now-Old New-Fifty-Two.  A reboot that rose from the flames of a temporary reboot called “Flashpoint”.


I think this had something to do with Flash travelling through time and forgetting to keep the sports almanac from Biff, but who can remember this many reboots ago?

zero hour

I’m pretty sure there were a couple of Crisis Events between this and Flashpoint, but how many Crisis covers can you look at?


The grandfather of all reboots.  The first, the biggest, the brightest, the one everyone compares all reboots to…

flash showcase

Except for this one, which was actually the first, sort of.  Depends on if you count the 50s Timely/Atlas Human Torch reboot. 

father's advice link

For last week’s BUN TOON about Father’s Day and embarrassing sexual adventures, click here.

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For the Bun Toon library of years past, click here!


Up, Up and Out of Here Bun Toons! YAY!

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Superman is to Kryptonite, as Bunny is to….?


It really did strike me as odd how little attention was paid to the latest death of the Man of Steel.  I suppose since he (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) died in the movie version, this is technically his THIRD big death, and the second one this year, which does add a sense of the familiar every time he checks out.

As someone who’s died a couple of times myself, I know how dull the third one can be.  Personally, I slept through it.

Ty the Guy OUT!

When I was a kid, my father’s two heroes were Gandhi and Muhammad Ali.  My dad was an amateur boxer in his youth, so I think he might have had a slight preference for Ali, but those are two good choices.

Mine were Batman and Superman, because they were the first ones I read about.  Then I read about Ali and what he’d done during the Viet Nam war.

Then he joined my Justice League.

The Greatest.

super vs alisuperman-muhammad-ali-handshake



For last week’s Bun Toon, click here, and bring a torch.

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For the Bun Toon Archive of years past, click here.

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If you live in the Toronto area and are interested in learning to write and draw comic books, click here.

Hop, hop and away!

superman bun toon logo

I promise, no complaining about the new Zack Snyder movie, except for this bit here.

Another honest-to-god-true-life-adventure.  Ah, the life I lead…

Torch passing

I suppose my other children are pretty cool, too.  No, really.

Ty the Guy OUT!


As long time readers of this blog might recall, my eldest son, Kellam once went out on Halloween as BLUE SUPERMAN!  blue-superman-photo

Perhaps the only Blue Superman ever on Halloween.  Not a single house knew who he was.

Below is a conversation I had with Taylor about the Archie characters.  It’s an ongoing education with my brood.


And, of course, me and the lad aren’t the only ones with a Christopher Reeve man-crush.

Jerry Seinfeld’s man-crush on the big blue boy scout is so strong, a few years back, American Express actually hired me to draw Superman and Jerry palling around together.  No, really.



I think Superman is tickling Jerry here.  What was I thinking when I drew this?


00 bunny red blue toon

For last week’s Bun Toon, click here!

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If you life in the Toronto area and are interested in learning to write or draw comics, click here.