Tag Archives: Conventions

Silly in Philly Bun Toons! YAY!


We’ll get to the cheesesteaks a little later.

This sort of thing is happening more and more nowadays.

philly willy

Okay, now we can talk about the famous sandwiches.

We were in Philadelphia,  so naturally we asked about where we should we go to have a really good Philly Cheesesteak.  The choice is between “Geno’s” and “Pat’s” and we were told by one of our cab drivers that he preferred “Geno’s” because they “really load on the liquid wiz”.

Well, we never got to either Geno’s or Pat’s, but I did get a cheesesteak, and yes, they load on the liquid wiz.

It’s something of a catchphrase for the city.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Hardly my first urinal convention story.


Oh, convention bathrooms.  Will you ever stop delighting us?


easter link

For last week’s Easter Bun Toon, click the image above.

FanExpo Canada: SATURDAY

Day Three! We can do this! 10am – 7pm, I’ll be back at P57. Won’t be there the whole time as I’ll leave to do a panel on

From the Screen to the Page:  Comic Book Adaptations, Room 714 at 11:30.

I’ll be speaking from my experience writing a Star Trek mini (Missions End), drawing and writing Batman Adventures and now…drawing a parody of Star Trek meets Dr Seuss for the Kickstarter project, Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go! (see what I did there?). For info on the Kicktarter, click on a tribble:

kirk tribbles seuss sketch

I’m not doing a new Bun Toon today as I’m busy with the convention but luckily, I have Bun Toon’d about Trek before:

websize rigelians

Ty the Guy OUT!!

Pre-Con Sketchcover Commissions 2016


I generally only do commissions on-site at conventions but after a number of requests, I did some in advance last year. I was pleased at the results (I like working at home in my drawing chair!) so I’ll be doing it again this year. At the moment, I’m limiting this to sketchcovers. As long as a convention is still listed, I’ll be taking commission requests for it but I am limiting numbers for each con.



Toronto Comicon March 18 – 20


Emerald City Comicon April 6 – 10

Calgary Entertainment & Comic Expo April 28 – May 1

(More to be added as they’re announced)

batman manbat ty templeton

At this time I’m only planning on doing sketchcovers. I do have some sketchcovers in stock; if you want something else, I will see if I can get it from my LCS (and will let you know the added cost).

Single figures are $60, Two figures are $90, ink, markers and copics.

The blank sketchcovers I currently have on hand are:

Batman 66 #23

Batgirl #38

Superman #32 

A-Force Secret Wars #001

The Flash #39

Wolverine #310

Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #001

Wonder Woman #19

Wonder Woman #36 

Justice League #16

rat a tat penguin ty templeton


All covers will be available for pick-up ONLY at the convention. Payment can be in cash at the convention or you can PayPal me before pickup.

If you’re interested, send me an email at tybunny@gmail.com and tell me which blank, and what you’re looking for. I’ll confirm with you before I start anything.


Ty the Guy OUT!

What?!? No Bun Toon?!? It can’t be!?!

Hey there fellow weblanders.  So sorry about no Bun Toon today, but it is a physical impossibility…as I am in beautiful downtown Moncton, New Brunswick, attending the East Coast Comics Expo, and having a great time, along with Marco Rudy, Kate Leth, Gisele Legace, Sandy Carruthers, Steve McNiven, and many wonderful Moncton Art People from McKenzie College of Art and Design (shout out to my marathon school session peeps!)

I am happily drawing Batman 66 pages in my hotel room and posting from a borrowed Netbook, upon which I cannot type.

I shall join you for your regularly scheduled Bun Toon when I get back to the Big Smoke from out east, don’cha know?

Ty the Guy,

Standing on the corner, of Bonnaccord and Main

Walking with my woman and watching the CN train.

I wonder where that train’s a going, only one way on that track,

Some rivers, they run forward, but Moncton’s it runs back.

You put your car in neutral,

It rolls up the hill,

in Moncton.

(to be continued…)


Yeah, yeah, San Diego Comic Con just finished and it was amazing, unbelievable, there were so many cool people blah blah blah. Time to move on! (Yes, we weren’t there…why do you ask?) Now, you have more or less a month to get yourself excited for FanExpo Canada. Canada’s biggest comic book convention will be running August 27-29 2010. Check their website for information on guests, panels, workshops, etc.

Ty will be at the show and will be doing at least one workshop, possibly two. When we get details, we’ll pass them on. As always, Ty will sign and sketch (for free) happily.  If you want to do any interviews with him while he’s at the show, arrange them in advance (email him at ty@templetons.com) or be prepared to put up with the chatter of the crowd. Ty is a big believer in the “the fans keep us working” philosophy, and likes to have this chance to “give back”. He’ll also have a book of art available for sale–probably just the stuff already up on the site.

And, as always, if you’re curious if Ty is turning up anywhere and I/we/he haven’t posted anything…check out Appearances on the All about Ty page (tab at top above the header…).


(Ty is on a Space:  The Imagination Station show sometime in the near future…it’s already shot, I’m just trying to find out details)

Extremely Unseen Marvel Punisher, more Slightly Seen DC and HOVERBOY FRIDAY! plus the big announcement! AND Nepotism Thursday. How long is this $)(*#$)(*##!! Title?!?

As promised, we look at some very unseen Marvel art from the same period.  The image above is from a very fun project I did with my pal SAM AGRO in the 90s.  The comic was “THE PUMMELER“, a parody of one of Marvel’s more popular characters, for a company called PARODY PRESS (best known for Adolescent Hamsters…) but Sam had a ball writing up a tremendous trio of very funny “Mad” style stories.  Worth finding in the back issues, if you can.  The cover to the left was by Sam Keith, who pitched in to help Agro get an audience.   If you follow the Pummeler link above, you’ll see the interior pages!  Sam is a well known storyboard artist who has helped the world be sickened and thrilled by the HUGELY successful SAW series of movies — been part of an academy award winning art team for FLY AWAY HOME–and he boarded tons of episodes of EWOKS and DROIDS in his day.  All that PLUS a loverly run writing great scripts for DC’s Looney Tunes comic book for years.  Is the name LEGEND appropriate?  Considering he’s one of the instructors at the highly esteemed TORONTO CARTOONIST WORKSHOP that I instruct at, I’ll have to say “yes”, LEGEND is the word.) Man, can I plug the pals and co-workers, or WHAT?!?

Watch this segue.   We’re staying with the silly images of the Punisher theme, and moving over to another living legend, Dana Moreshead.  Who is clearly not the name on the card above.  How confused am I?

There, that’s Dana.  And his odd looking pet, the name escapes me, and I don’t want to say Skipper when it was Sparky, or Spanky or Elliot Spitzer, but it was something like that.  I drew that portrait of Dana at least a decade ago, but I’m sure at least ONE of those furry creatures is still cute.  Dana was the Marvel guy who gave me all these wonderfully odd gigs that I’ve been posting for the last two weeks, and he deserves his humble thank you on this blog for the fun, fun art jobs he tossed me atop of.  And hopefully the smile or two he’s bringing the eleven readers of this post as I dig through the original art pile over in the corner and scan baby scan.

So what was that Punisher toy with the human head on it?  And who’s this poor soul with the dragon crapping on his hair?  These were a series of cards that were created for the Marvel staff one summer for convention season.  That way, when they met people, they had a card with some ‘zaz and zing and pep!  And their image on it, so names and faces could match up for business deals, etc.  A good idea, actually.  The gag was to make everyone into their own version of a Marvel Hero.  I did at least four of them (that I’ve found so far).  The funny thing, most of these staffers are NOT a Marvel Character, but a toy version of one, or standing near one.  I’m not sure that conveyed the joke.

I still have tons more fun stuff from the Dana era of Special Projects.  He is still one of my favorite people, even if he no longer gets me work.

Another installment of the AOL Flood Safety messages from 2006.  Sketch and final art.  The only time I ever drew Supergirl for the animated universe, unless you count the toy designs.  Aquaman I’ve drawn lots and lots, he’s featured in the Brave and Bold issue I drew in 2009, but has yet to come out.

But here’s Aquaman warning a man about having adequate storm drains, and not living under a f***ing wall of mud.  That’s so dumb he really deserves to die.

Hoverboy.com is back up and running!  Marcus Moore, fellow curator, and webmaster of the site, was found,  alive and well, after months lost in the barrens with his experimental jet co-pilot, Jarred.    As of this posting, the fate of his experimental jet c0-pilot, Jarred,  has not been revealed, though it can be noted that that Moore seems to have put on weight during his ordeal.  “Plenty of possum in those woods.” is the only response a visibly shaken Moore has given to reporters when asked about his friend, experimental jet co-pilot, Jarred.  We wish he and his family good luck in the future, and keep on looking for that poor kid.

The good news is that Hoverboy.com is once again operational, with a NEW installment of the weekly comic strip reprints.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve been sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the poor lad to hover away from those clouds, these last few months.  Hovermaniacs the world around, breathe out a sigh of relief.  Go check out the installments we’ve found so far, for this excellent example of heroism and manhood of the golden age!

And now for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.  (yeah, like you’re still reading after so long and drawn out a post today…).  Starting NEXT weekend, and every weekend after that, I’ll be posting Ty Templeton Funnies!  Never before seen  material, created to be seen in web form.  Wait…does that make this blog a…

WEBCOMIC?!?!?    Tune in NEXT WEEKEND and see….

Ty the Guy.


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Signing Times at Toronto Comic Con

Wizard World is updating their site but, in the meantime, has officially confirmed signing times at the Wizard booth for the Toronto Comic Con.  Ty will be doing signings, sketches, wisecracks and potentially letting slip state secrets on Friday and Saturday. Check the schedule for times, and for the other con guests.

We still don’t have a table number for Ty; I’ll post it when we get it.


Upcoming Appearances

As mentioned before, Ty will be a Special Guest at the upcoming Toronto Comic Con…and he’s just confirmed that he will be signing and sketching at the Wizard booth on the Friday and Saturday (as will Cameron Stewart, Phil Jimenez, Adi Granov and others). Check out the schedule…

The rest of the time, Ty will be at his table; when we find out the number, I’ll get that posted. (Well, some of the time he’ll be running around trying to find retailers with Dollar Bins.)


Ah, ’tis true.  I’m a sucker for the dollar bins.  Last convention, I got a TON of comics by Greg Land, from Ultimate FF to CrossGen stuff…all for a BUCK!  There was some Adam Kubert, Stuart Immonen, and other great comics in there, too.  Who wouldn’t go running around.

Ty the Guy

Comics that Matter (to me, anyway)

One of the nicer things that my vast fame and fortune has brought me is that I get interviewed from time to time about the comics that were most influential on me and my career…the comics that matter.  And I’ve been asked enough that the answer is down to a science now.

The first one is BATMAN #251, THE JOKER’S FIVE WAY REVENGE.  This is the first DC comic I ever purchased with my own money, and WOW, what a doozy to start with.   There’s a great saying that goes–“The Golden Age of everything is 12 years old”.  That’s when your opinions form, that’s when you find the best version of TV, movies, comics, fiction, girls…the stuff that you measure all the others against for the rest of your life, and this is one of the comics that falls into that category for me.  I often wonder if I’d be doing this for a living if my first comic had been something by lights lesser than the great DENNY O’NEIL and NEAL ADAMS!  And it’s not just a comic by these titans, it’s the comic that re-introduces the Joker to the world, with a brand-spanking-new homicidal bent to him like never before.

In previous years, the Joker had been a tepid character…robbing banks with rubber chickens, and kidnapping clowns, and the like (gems like “JOKER’S MILLIONS” were still undiscovered by me at the time, so I didn’t know Joker much beyond his TV show version…) But this story involves Joker murdering his entire gang, just to make sure he got the one member who was an informant.  He kills these guys with bombs, electrocution, and ends with tossing an old guy into a shark tank, wheelchair and all.  Illustrated by Neal Adams in his “new” exciting style, this was like no other comic I’d ever seen, and I instantly wanted more, more, more.  Sadly, Neal only drew one further  Batman comic (for a while anyway) before handing the series over to the wonderfully skilled Irv Novick…but it didn’t matter.  I was addicted to both Batman and Neal Adams for the rest of my life, and still am.   As an adult, I go back to this comic and re-read it, and I use it as a teaching tool in my TORONTO CARTOONISTS WORKSHOP classes to show off story and character construction.  Fortunately, it’s not just my own nostalgia that makes this comic a classic, and everyone I show it to, is as blown away by it as I am.

Next up:  These two issues of the Avengers were the first two Marvel comics I owned.  Purchased by an older brother when I was about seven years old, and left (in very lovely condition) at my Grandmother’s apartment until years later when I got to read them, probably at the age of twelve.  Again…for a first introduction to these characters of Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Blank Panther, Yellowjacket, Wasp and of course…the Vision…this was a magnificent place to start.  EVEN AN ANDROID CAN CRY is often cited as one of the best written superhero comics of the sixties, and I’d be in no position to argue.

Roy Thomas‘ script is touching, exciting, and intelligent, something this child of STAR TREK and TWILIGHT ZONE (my favorite shows as a kid) recognized as different from the other stuff that comics were about.  And the artwork by John Buscema and George Klein is stunningly good.  It remains, to this day, my mind’s eye version of the what the PERFECT Marvel comic artist should strive to achieve….with layouts that jump around the page, but still lead the eye correctly from panel to panel.  Human bodies, drawn with exquisite anatomy and detail, are leaping and jumping from the first page to the last, and the second issue in the two parter is essentially a long conversation about what to do with the android in the building that tried to kill us.  A conversation?!?  And it was that exciting and lively?  If I ever get half this good as either a writer or a penciler, I get to retire with a smile.

These three comics (along with a few issues of Mad Magazine, Tintin and Asterix that were also left to me by older siblings) are the bedrock foundation of my love of this biz.  If, instead, I’d purchased as my first comics, BROTHER POWER THE GEEK, PATSY WALKER, or RED WOLF, we can rest assured I’d be a baker or a plumber at this point in life.

Besides getting me into the lifestyle…I’ve been influenced more directly by these comics by mining them for scripts and images more than once.  Seen above, my cover for BATMAN ADVENTURES #31 is clearly an homage or an all out steal of the #251 cover.  At the time I drew it, I was not conscious of the similarity, but that’s what an influence is…it’s there inside your brain telling you “If you want to make it more dramatic, make the Joker one hundred stories tall!” without realizing why you’re doing it.  It’s not theft, it’s INFLUENCE…

The Vision story I stole far more directly.  When I was assigned the writing chores with AVENGERS UNITED, one of the first scripts I turned in was a re-working of Thomas/Buscema’s original VISION story, only with the twist that my issue was called “Androids Can’t Cry”, and I switch out the ending.  This one I WAS conscious of ripping off, and I had so much fun playing in the sandbox that had been there since I was a child, it’s hard to explain the joy.  When I met Roy Thomas, years later, the first words out of my mouth were babbling nonsense about apologizing for stealing his story, but I couldn’t help myself, etc.  I’m certain he walked away from the meeting believing I was a madman and has mercifully forgotten me.

Since I brought ’em up, next time out in “COMICS THAT MATTER” I’ll discuss the early Tintin and Asterix and Mad stuff that sits inside my brain, below even this superhero stuff.

Ty the Guy


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Upcoming Appearances

Besides teaching two weeks of Comic Book Inking: 4 Perspectives, and the full eight weeks of Ty Templeton’s Comic Book Bootcamp Part 2, and Writing for Comics: Finding Inspiration on a Schedule (all through the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop), Ty has been booked for two upcoming conventions.

Check it out on his Appearances page.