Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Seuss Trek Wednesday!

I’m dropping in for a moment to share a couple more fun moments of Trekkieness here at the Bunny Factory.

First up, a sketch cover I did at the convention this weekend.  A fan got a Shatner signature on a blank Star Trek cover, and asked me to fill in the space above it with a portrait of Kirk and his ship above.  I get asked to do likenesses a lot in my work a lot (Mad Magazine, Batman 66, Dexter, Star Trek) but it’s never as easy to a good likeness sitting at a convention floor working from a little phone-google image of the celeb.  Fortunately, the fan brought with him a nice big shot of Shatner’s handsome mug, and it turned out okay.


Second:  We sold a few copies of David Gerrold’s TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES book, (the one with the all-new Tybunny cover art) at the convention….but we only had the softcover version at our table, and no one got to see the FULL wraparound cover that included Koloth bathing in the vile, barking, headless rats (his words, not mine).  Well, since I drew six zillion tribbles, and my devoted wife coloured six zillion tribbles, you have to see them all six zillion tribbles.



so there.

And it’s nice to announce that my latest Star Trek-adjacent project (with oft mentioned Trek Legend David Gerrold), “OH THE PLACES YOU’LL BOLDLY GO”  is gangbustering its way around Kickstarter.

00 boldly cover

But like all things Kickstarter-y, we need  your help to feed the beast (and yes, I’m referring to my teenage children).  If you’re hoping to see the love child of a Grinch and a Horta, or ever wondered how Thing One and Thing Two would deal with the Prime Directive, this is the book for you.

Check out the details HERE.

Ty the Guy OUT!

I’m drawing a cover that features the Bat-Eared Fellow this week, and promoting my Star Trek project, so of course the Bonus Moment is…



FanExpo Canada: SUNDAY

And so begins the end… Last Day! Today will run 10am to 5pm and it will be BUSY! I’ve got a few things scheduled and it’s my last chance to scour all the dollar bins and make sure I haven’t missed anything magical.

At 1:00pm, I will be part of GrokSpock, a live reading of Star Trek:  Wrath of Khan. We have our usual GrokSpock crew with a surprise guest:  actor/screenwriter/voice actor David Hayter (my kid who goes by the nickname “Snake” for his standup gigs, is very excited about this!). Will post the room number as soon as I find it…

At 2:15, I will run to Room 715 for COMIC BOOK BOOTCAMP:  How to write a story someone will want to read. (If you can’t make the workshop or would like to take my entire course  called HOW TO WRITE COMICS, there are still a few spaces open. Info is HERE.)

Then, I’m back to P57. Come find me there…  Keiren will be keeping my sketch list, and selling my sketchcovers and copies of The World of Star Trek and The Trouble with Tribbles, both by David Gerrold with covers by me.

In honour of today’s GrokSpock reading, a memory of the very first one we did:

we grokked spock websize

And, of course…don’t forget the Kickstarter for Oh, The Places You’ll Boldy Go! Click on the Enterprise-like ship to go to the link:

00 boldly cover

Ty the Guy OUT!!

FanExpo Canada: SATURDAY

Day Three! We can do this! 10am – 7pm, I’ll be back at P57. Won’t be there the whole time as I’ll leave to do a panel on

From the Screen to the Page:  Comic Book Adaptations, Room 714 at 11:30.

I’ll be speaking from my experience writing a Star Trek mini (Missions End), drawing and writing Batman Adventures and now…drawing a parody of Star Trek meets Dr Seuss for the Kickstarter project, Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go! (see what I did there?). For info on the Kicktarter, click on a tribble:

kirk tribbles seuss sketch

I’m not doing a new Bun Toon today as I’m busy with the convention but luckily, I have Bun Toon’d about Trek before:

websize rigelians

Ty the Guy OUT!!

FanExpo Canada: FRIDAY

Once again, I’ll be back sitting at P57 (changed from what’s in the program) today, 10am – 7pm! Doesn’t look like I have any panels or workshops scheduled today, so I’ll be at my table (unless I can sneak away and find some dollar bins! I’ve got a long list of comics I need to find to finish off some mini-series so I can finally read ’em!).

I have a commissions list and a pile of sketchcovers I’ve done.

I will have The World of Star Trek for sale,

00 world of trek second draft

and The Trouble with Tribbles,

The Trouble With Tribbles BR Printers

And so much more!

And remember…to check out the Kickstarter for Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go! You can click on Spock or McCoy to get there:

00 small file spock mccoy (1)

Ty the Guy OUT!!



FanExpo Canada: Thursday

I’ll be sitting at P16A beside the always incredible Leonard Kirk, between 4 and 9 (I think the con starts at 3pm but with traffic and lineups and having to get my passes, let’s play it safe!). I will have Star Trek books, sketchcovers, Batman 66 issues and lots more. I’ll be doing sketches (Keiren will have a list). I don’t charge for signing books but I will be asking people to donate to one of my absolute favourite charities, Hero Initiative so they can keep up all the good work they do to help out comics people in need.

I’ll be spending all my time at my table except when;

I will be part of a sketch duel against…TOM GRUMMETT at 5:45 pm in Room 716.

I will be teaching a workshop, Comic Writing/Storytelling:  How to tell a story in pictures at 7:15pm in Room 703. (If you can’t make the workshop or would like to take my entire course on Layouts, called HOW TO DRAW COMICS, there are still a few spaces open. Info is HERE.)

And don’t forget! My Kickstarter for OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL BOLDLY GO! Check it out now and see the list of great rewards (even I don’t know who the voice will be on the audiobook…although I do know who they were talking to…). Click on the angry Gorn to be taken to the link:

00 small file gorn fight

Ty the Guy OUT!



Oh, The Places You’ll Boldly Go!

So much to brief you about, oh Keepers of the Prime Directive.

First up:  Oh, The Places You’ll Boldly Go!

It’s Dr. Seuss, it’s Star Trek, it’s a floor wax AND a whipped cream topping.  Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go is the latest away mission from Glenn Hauman of ComicMix , the legendary David Gerrold (Star Trek TOS’ original Mr. Tribble himself) and is illustrated by the humble rabbit that usually occupies this blog.  Cleverly disguised as a children’s book, it’s the story of a young, eager, federation trained lad, exploring a universe of weird Seussian landscapes and familiar alien worlds, certain to delight fans of the Lorax and the Gorn alike. But who speaks for the Horta?!?

The Kickstarter went live today. There’s information and all kinds of rewards there if you click this link:  Please click it.

00 boldly cover

But wait–there’s more! The Legendary David Gerrold will be at Star Trek:  Missions this weekend and he will have copies of the NEW editions of his much beloved books, The Trouble with Tribbles and The World of  Star Trek available for sale.  The new editions feature all-new covers by the clearly not-all-that-humble rabbit, and once I get to the Post Office, I will have copies available at my table, P16A, at FanExpo Canada all weekend (or until they sell out).  Get your copy signed by some of the cast at the convention.  We’ve invited some famous actors JUST for that reason.


00 world of trek second draft

Oh but WAIT!! There’s MORE of the more… on Sunday 1pm at FanExpo Canada, I will be part of a live reading of Star Trek:  Wrath of Khan, as part of the GrokSpock team. We’ve had a raucous time doing these readings (in March of 2015 and 2016) as fundraisers for the Lung Association in Leonard Nimoy’s honour, and have no choice but to continue the raucous when and where we can.  According to my call sheet, I shall be recreating the roles of Mr. Scott and transporter chief Kyle with gusto and questionable levels of accuracy.

And, as always, I will be doing sketches and signing books all weekend long at my table P16A. Stop by and say hello.  I’m willing to talk about things that aren’t Star Trek related, but I might accidentally blurt out a secret project with some OTHER major, famous characters I’m working on.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Plugging my new comics! All-Ages Spidey! All Ages Simpsons Comics!

ALL IN STORES THIS WEEK!  Simpsons!  Simpsons!  Spider-Man!  It’s the BUNNY AGE OF COMICS!!

First:  The wait has been long but Ultimate Spidey Adventures is finally here!

Available for sale today or tomorrow, depending on your store. The first issue of Ultimate Spider-Man Adventures #1 with a ten-page story plotted by Dan Slott and scripted, pencilled and inked by me.

AND a ten-page story written by the Men of Action and pencilled and inked by Nuno Plati.  So much goodness in one comic book!

In an interview with Comic Book Resources  (AXEL-IN-CHARGE: Guest-Starring the “Amazing” Dan Slott), interviewer Kiel Phegley asked Dan:

“Dan, when I saw you’d be contributing a story to “Ultimate Spider-Man” with Ty Templeton, who you worked with on “Batman Adventures” to great acclaim, I was surprised and excited. What can you say about the challenge of coming on to a newly built Spidey world and making work for longtime fans and kids?”

Dan’s answer was perfect–pretty much what I would say:

“We love this stuff. Ty and I are the best of friends, and if you look at “Spider-Man/Human Torch” you can see how much we love working together. That was an all-ages book to me. I think if you sit down and look at some of the biggest movies of all time, you’ll see that they’re “G-Rated” movies that everyone could sit down and watch. Adults can watch them and go, “Wow, that’s a great story.” That’s our goal, here. We don’t want this to be a young readers book. We want it to be an all-ages book — an everyone book. This is a book you can give to anyone, and they’ll go, “That was a really great ride.” That’s how Ty is wired too.”

Aww…Dan likes me.

Here’s a sneak peek…but no letters or colours until you run out and buy one at your local comic store…


Simpsons Comics 189 went on sale just five days ago…it’s my latest romp in Springfield, written and drawn by myself, and featuring everyone’s favourite cartoon baby on Fox TV.  (Suck on it, Stewie fans).  I don’t get to write a lot of stories about Maggie and this was a joyous issue to play with.

SIMPSONS CONFIDENTIAL goes on sale this Wednesday as well!  It collects a bunch of different Simpsons issues from a couple of years ago, including one of my favorites:  The Return of X’Tappa’lata’kettle. (I’m sure I misspelled that, and I wrote the darn story!)  It’s set inside the giant Olmec head in the basement…you DID know the head was hollow and people lived inside it, right?  I think the collection also features a Bartman story that I did with Chuck Dixon, so there’s more Simpsons comics by Ty out this week than seems sensible.

Pick up the Simpsons issue, AND the Simpsons collection today, and the Spider-Man comic tomorrow, but GO BUY THESE COMICS!!!  I need groceries!

(And for those of you who would like a closer look at my pencilled and inked pages, I’ll be bringing all of ’em (along with Harvey Pekar pages, Spidey-Torch pages, and other goodies)  with me to Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo this coming weekend! I’ll be there Friday to Sunday.)

AND there’s more!!  it’s not published yet, but I’m part of a Kickstarter comic book project…my buddy, Dana Moreshead (I used to work for him all the time when he headed up Creative Services at Marvel Comics) has written a comic book about Bacon. Yes, Bacon! Last year, Dana asked me if I draw him a little anthropomorphic Bacon, and I made a joke that it should be a comic book. Little did I know that Dana had plans–plans for a 44 page graphic novel that will

take readers on a king-sized comic book adventure power-packed with action, conspiracy and intrigue starring the pork Kwai Chang Caine, Bacon!

Turns out though that I’m not Dana’s only artist friend! Dana has set up his Kickstarter so that every dollar pledged gives you the opportunity to VOTE for the eventual artist of The Mouth-Watering Adventures of Bacon!! Vote for me, or the incredible Phil Winslade or the amazing Scott Koblish! Just vote for somebody! Read all about BACON!! on it’s Kickstarter page.

Ty the Guy Out!


Plug Comics?!? Where do I find these things?

Million Dollar Bun Toons! YAY!

Oh, I'm counting my chickens, and I don't give a damn which ones have hatched.

It’s a given that anyone working  on a webcomic is only in it for the money.  There’s simply too much free cash floating around the webcomic business.   We TRY to create a little something for the people, and BAM, suddenly it’s all about the benjamins and the tax shelters and the what have you.   But I promise, deep in our creative hearts, we wish we could go back to the simpler times when creating a webcomic was all about getting the ladies into our cribs.

I’ve drained the pool of water, so there’s some place to dump all the folding green when the money truck pulls up to the house.  I’d get the driver a sandwich or something, but I don’t know where the kitchen is, and it’s the help’s day off.  He can drink from the garden hose if he’s parched.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your odd little Order of the Rabbit Bonus Moments.

This is a painting I found online by a guy named Dimitri Drjuchin called “Mistrust at the Order of the White Rabbit”.  It’s pretty cool…

That would be enough for your bonus moment…but at the same online gallery,  I found this canvass by the same artist:

This one is just titled: Saint Captain America

So, Dimitri gets the win.

Oh, and you can go here if you’re at all interested in the original ORDER OF THE STICK.  Though, with all his cash, the creator probably thinks you’re beneath his notice.  The 1% are like that…


For last week's Bun Toon in ruins, click the remains of my home.

For every Bun Toon ever, click the impoverished bunny with the meagre sandwich on a plate.