Monthly Archives: April 2010

Saturday is Free Comic Book Day

Tomorrow, Ty will be at

Free Comic Book Day

at Paradise Comics, 3278 Yonge Street, Toronto (Canada) from 12pm – 6pm. He’ll be signing, sketching and telling stories…some of them might be true.  Check the Paradise Comics website for more info (including information about the other guests,

Liana K,










Leonard Kirk,










Hilary Leung,










Richard Isanove and










Emily Ragozzino.










The Joe Shuster Awards blog has a list of events taking place across Canada, check it out here and see what’s on.

Most retailers will have some amount of free comics and possibly some sort of sale. Keep in mind that not all stores will have the same comics, or even all the comics:  the retailers have to order the giveaway-comics just as they order any others, and the free-for-you comics actually cost them money.  So, be nice, and plan to purchase something while at the store if you find yourself with a big ol’ pile of freebies.

Also, many retailers will limit the amount of comics you can take…and there are some who may charge you the quarter they paid for them.  This promotion is for the fans–but it costs the publishers and the retailers money to support it.



And speaking of supporting the retailers, if you’re looking for FINE comic product to spend your shekels upon, consider these Simpsons books, now on sale…

ON SALE RIGHT NOW, you lucky, lucky people. Writ and Drewn by the Guy.

I've only got one page in here, but the other hundred and some odd pages are pretty cool, too!

Say, isn't it time someone finally made fun of Tiger Woods? Check out this month's MAD for the Ty-based Hilarity.

And for those who live in the world of the future, make sure your retailer orders copies of…

I gets to draw me Spidey-Man again! On sale next week, or next month, they never tell me.


And of course, EVERY Saturday is Free Comic Day at Art Land.  Check back tomorrow for FREE WEBCOMICS, as Stavros, Lana, and Lord Vodon (All High Imperial Ruler of the Known Galaxy) fight over the cost of a magazine subscription, in LAST ROUND-UP ON THE SINISTER SPACECRAFT OF FORBIDDEN LOVE, part FOUR!  And a couple of museum cartoons that required one of those soft archeology brushes to clean off. (previous chapters of Last Round-Up are here.)

Ty the Guy.  BUNNY OUT!


New Work

So, Ty’s been dropping hints for a while, here and there, about doing some work for Marvel. Now, the news is out!

The first of four issues of Marvel’s Age of Heroes is available for sale May 19.

See what Marvel has to say about it…here

and some blurbage from MajorSpoilers is here.

And check out the cover (by Greg Tocchini)


New Pages…

Way, way back in September when we started up this blog, I posted an entry on the art Ty did for the Jerry Seinfeld and Superman American Express Commercials.  Just a bit of intro and a link to the commercials.

Now, Ty’s decided to put a couple of the pages up for sale. He loves the Krypto page–he’s always had a fondness for Krypto the Superdog (cannot type that without instantly hearing the theme song for the recent Krypto cartoon. Ty saw every single episode so I know the song well) and even tried to pitch a story or two to DC Comics.

I don’t remember all the details of this assignment, so I’ll have to get Ty to add something later. I know that Seinfeld had a particular Superman in mind, and DC Comics knew Ty was the man who was going to be able to give him that.

The Seinfeld-Superman pages are here…

Gambit vs. Gambit Xmen video box cover is here…

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I really like teaching.

I’m here to share.

I taught class three in my eight part COMIC BOOK BOOTCAMP again tonight; it’s my favorite week, and too much fun not to share.

For the anatomy/visualization section of class tonight, we focused on  knee joints, hinging in free space, and the leg masses attached to them– it involves crappy cardboard geometric models, mnemonic tricks, and some dirty jokes. A two drink minimum and tip your waitresses, and we’re out.

But what’s delightful about this particular class, is that’s it’s the week that we jump up from theory (vanishing points, horizons, cubes and tubes) to drawing things that you can recognize as being body parts, and being hinged in free space (it’s an old Burne Hogarth technique).

Sometimes, for the first time in their lives, students “see” in their heads, the figures moving through “space”, not as a series of tricks to get the two dimensional drawings onto the paper, but as concrete images available to their imagination.

It’s like waking up a new sense in people, and it’s FUN to watch.

Week three is one of the reason I teach this class. Oh, the millions of dollars  buys champagne and pays off my member of parliament, sure…but the looks on the faces of students who literally wake up that part of their brain for the first time during class #3…whee.

Better than sex while singing harmony on stage.

I had a student once tell me it was freaking him out now that he could “see” people’s skeletons under their skin when they moved.  I said “GREAT! That’s the whole point of these visualization tricks….to wake up your mind’s eye.”

He asked if it goes away.

Sometimes waking up a new sense is creepy. I get that.  I told him, “I’m afraid it doesn’t go away….but it moves from creepy to fun.”

When I start the Bootcamp, I like to give my class a talk about the difference between a talent and a skill, (I usually call it my TALENT IS BULLSHIT lecture).  Drawing and writing are skills, not talents.  There is nothing you need to be born with to learn how to do them well…no matter what people tell you, there is no such thing as a required “talent” for drawing.

And week three is always the week that about half the class goes “Ding” and realizes on a fundamental level what I’m talking about. Anyone can learn this stuff…even the stuff they were convinced they couldn’t learn.

It’s just fun to teach week three, and baptize the new lambs into the world of illustration.

Ty the Guy.

The bouncy rabbit hops off to mess with your garden now.

Holy Cow! Am I still promoting this comic I wrote and drew? It's been on sale for like five days already!

PS:  If you want to check out some former student work (most of it delightfully NSFW) head over here.  It’s worth the drive to Bootcamp Comics Dot Com!

And…if you’re interested in doing some learning of your own, and you’re in the GTA, new classes will start in the summer. Check out the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop for information.

Ty the Guy


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New Pages…

will be going up tomorrow, on Tuesday. I did a bunch of scans per Ty’s request, but he forgot to leave me with pricing info. So, check back tomorrow to see what’s what…

–and for just a quick peek, here’s an Xmen video box cover with Gambit fighting…Gambit? And Krypto, the Superdog, looking around for Jerry Seinfeld.







When last we left the heroic crew of the Sinister Spacecraft, they had lost their MP3 player and one of their beloved Space Cows to the Specter of Death.   We rejoin Stavros and Lana as they relax at home, trying to get over the recent trauma.



That’s it for today.  You’ll have to scroll down for the Kick Ass creators column that all you kids seem to love.

And click HERE for more chapters of the Sinister Spacecraft.

Ty the Guy


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Hoverboy Friday! On a FRIDAY!

It’s been a couple of weeks since Hoverboy Friday came near a Friday, and this is a good one, Bucket Brethren and Sistren.

The big news is that a retired animator/producer for Vigilance Pictures by the name of Santos McMillan has contacted me with a mountain of new Hoverboy video material to put on the Hoverboy website.  This includes a full episode from the HOVERBOY TO THE MOON series from 1961, part of an episode from the never aired Heroteam series from 1976, and a WHOLE SEASON’S worth of episodes from Hoverboy’s 80s epic kid’s series: GOD FEARING PUPPET TOWN!   I’ll try to get the videos up on youtube later this week, and link to them, but for now I can show off some of the stills and jpgs he sent along with the package.

First up, this is one of the few surviving style sheets from the aborted 70s show “HEROTEAM”, only featuring Hoverboy this time.  Santos had promised me the style sheets for SLAPMAN, DANNY BANNON: THE PANTSLESS DETECTIVEGOLDEN PLUMB and FEMININJA….he says he can’t find them yet, but not to give up hope.

For the life of me, I don’t know what M.R.M. means in the info box.  Any animators out there who can fill me in?

Hero Team, as Hoverboy fans should recall, was the series intended for CBS’s SATURDAY FUN ZONE in 1976, but was canceled when a highly inebriated Bob Stark threw up a meal of chili and vodka all over the desk of CBS producer Yasha Ezrin.  “I was willing to work with Stark,” Ezrin recalled in a VARIETY interview of that year, “But his constant drunkeness caused friction at meetings.  He would shout ‘NIXON WAS A SAINT!’ at odd times, or beg my daughter to remove her top.  That sort of thing.  It wasn’t a problem for me, really, but my custodial staff refused to clean up after him, and they went on strike.  I have limits to what I’ll put with in this business we call show, but a desk covered in chili and vodka that went uncleaned for eight days was the end of my rope.  It’s too bad, too, as hundreds of talented people had put in months of work to make it happen.”

Forgive the quality, this is a screen grab from an old video tape.

I’ve tried to clean up these images from the video I was sent, but don’t really work with video filters as much as I should, so I’m flying blind.

These are screen grabs from HOVERBOY TO THE MOON, the six episode cartoon series produced in 1961 in the SYNCRO-VOX technique first popularized by CLUTCH CARGO.  Basically, that meant that instead of animated lips, actors would supply the lip movement that went with the dialog.  There were meant to be more than the six episodes, but CAMBRIA PRODUCTIONS (the owners of Clutch Cargo) sued Vigilance for using their technique.

These are supposed to be my lips? They don't look right!

Now, obviously, you can’t own a technique of making cartoons, but Nolan Bridge, producer at Vigilance at the time, didn’t know that, and took his series off the air, rather than face yet another lawsuit.  (Vigilance was still paying off the damages on 18 wrongful death claims from the infamous “Day the Cartoonists Died” incident wherein weaponized anthrax toxins were accidentally mixed with the printing ink on paychecks sent out to Vigilance cartooning staff the year before. )

The syncro-vox idea was originally suggested because Hoverboy had no lips, and everyone figured it was a no brainer to animate him.  But the scripts for the first six episodes (which centered around supplying blankets covered in weaponized anthrax toxin to the moon men to get them off “AMERICA’S PLANET’) featured so many lines for the  moon men, and of course, Jimmy and Gleep the Monkey, that the cost cutting measure didn’t work, and folding when the lawsuit showed up was probably more of a blessing than a problem.

Sure, HE has no lips, but there are fifty-eight distinct characters in the story who do.

I don’t have any screengrabs of GOD FEARING PUPPET TOWN beyond this often seen promotional still, but it’s only a matter of me learning how to upload and embed this stuff before you’ll be watching the whole season.

Hey boys and girls.  Sesame Street is for COMMIES!  Pass it on.

Hey boys and girls. Sesame Street is filled with Commies. Pass it on.

God Fearing Puppet Town was a short-lived spin off of Sesame Street that aired only in Arizona and Utah during the early eighties.  The series was created as a response to what the producers called “an emphasis on colored people and socialist values” on Sesame Street, that simply didn’t sit well with viewers in Arizona and Utah.   The 22 fifteen minute episodes followed Hoverboy as he tried to understand bible verses and the prophecies of revelations, and how it all related to modern life in Utah.  Though it was a big hit for the year it was on the air, it was finally removed by the FCC who cited “clear elements of race baiting, religious intolerance, and puppet nudity” in almost all the episodes.  The story of Sodom and Gomorrah was returned to in almost every episode, and constantly referred to as “Hoverboy’s favorite part of the bible.”




For those who have been following the Hoverboy reprints of NAZI ROBOTS OF FUTURE PAST, here are the latest episodes…

That’s it for today.  Scroll down for the KICK ASS CREATORS article all you kids are looking for.  And don’t forget:  Tomorrow is free webcomics, featuring the THIRD chapter of the ever-exciting LAST ROUNDUP ON THE SINISTER SPACECRAFT OF FORBIDDEN LOVE!

Ty the Guy


PS:  I almost forgot.  The best issue of Bongo’s SIMPSONS comics to hit the stands in nearly four weeks is finally out!  And as a special bonus, there’s a possible chance of winning eleven million dollars if you buy the issue and find a special lottery ticket inside.

How can one comic be so funny?


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Changing around a few things here and there, relabelling a couple of things, and deciding on new names. Are Ty’s cartoons, “Saturday Morning Cartoons”, “Saturday Comics” or “Templetoons”? (Currently “Saturday Morning Comics”).

Added a price for the Spidey piece we put up earlier this week.

…and now off to get a cup of coffee.


My latest issue of the Simpsons is out

Oooh, that's a quality comic book right there.

And of course, I expect you to rush to your local comic store and buy it.  If you can’t find a local comic store, simply find a local citizen with a copy, and steal it.   Yes, you heard me, steal it.  As long as you’re stealing it from a civilian, and not from a store, I’m fine with the process of how you acquired it.

The BONGO people have, again, given up the idea of having the creator’s names on the cover, so you’re forgiven if you didn’t know this issue was mine ( I wrote and drew it).  But now that I’ve alerted you, your excuses are over.

Fan out.  Get one.  Read it.  Live life to the fullest.

Ty the Guy

The Top Seven Comics Creators who can KICK YOUR ASS

Oooh...tough guys!

Last week saw the release of KICK-ASS a promising Comic Book Movie with a tepid box office on opening weekend.  Industry types were somewhat surprised, as the title and premise suggested a bigger response, but those of us in the know expected it.  You can’t fake KICK-ASS, it has to be in your blood, your pores and in your gonads, my friends, or the audience knows.

As much as I admire the work of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr, the creators of this epic story, I simply cannot in good conscious call them KICK-ASS examples of the male species.  While Millar is British, and therefore has soccer hooliganism in his DNA, Mr. Romita is an average-sized man, with straight teeth and no criminal record to speak of.   I’d feel fairly confident facing either of them in a bar fight, and I’m willing to go in sober and unarmed.

But the world of comics DOES include some of the most stunningly macho examples of man-flesh in the history of the visual arts, and you should know about them, if only to avoid their supremely terrifying gaze if they appear at conventions.

Be afraid fanboys, of—





Ken Lashley

No, he's not standing on a box. Everyone else is just that small.

Currently illustrating The Flash.

You know that scene in Jurassic Park where the water is jiggling in the cups, so you know there’s a giant dinosaur coming?  That’s based on Ken Lashley.

Ken is the largest human in the comic industry, if not in western civilization.  At seven foot nine, eight hundred and sixty pounds (and none of it fat), the only reason he doesn’t play professional football is that “it wouldn’t be fair to the other players”.  I’m big, but whenever I’m in a room with Ken, he makes me feel like a skinny schoolgirl in knee high socks, with a Hello Kitty backpack.  Seriously.

He happens to be a pleasant, quiet, somewhat reserved individual, however, which is a disappointment to lovers of ass-kicking manly misbehavior the world over.  I never thought it was part of Ken’s character to be aggressive — until I saw his cover for Excalibur #73

This is the single most testosterone-fueled drawing I’ve ever seen.  It’s an existential scream of pure maleness rarely witnessed outside of Heavy Metal Gay Snuff-porn.  This image of a blue-balled demon radiating nuclear energy from his dick while magnetically attracting the red lady, makes anyone viewing it more manly by 25% — including any girls.  And AFTER seeing this illustration, if any of you go out and kick someone’s ass, Ken Lashley officially gets the assist.



Charles Moulton (aka Dr. William Moulton Marston).

We had no idea what this man was up to...

This Y-chromosome-soaked head-shrinker helped create three amazing

The good doctor knew that real men liked this sort of thing. And real women.

legacies for himself in the 20th Century.  One was the polygraph machine (the Lie Detector) which has done more to fight crime than a squad room full of cops on a lifetime steroid binge–another was the fictional queen of lesbo bondage adventure, Wonder Woman.

But Dr. Will got his high testosterone scores in a much more impressive way.   He was in an openly poly-amorous relationship with two ladies his entire life–  had kids with both women– and the one he WASN’T legally married to, was the one he based Wonder Woman on.  Anyone who could keep TWO sexy bisexual fetish-doms happy for a lifetime of tied-up joy had to be producing twice the man-sauce you and I were issued at birth and could easily pound our weak asses into the sand without breaking a sweat.   Trust me.



Jim Steranko

This Nick Fury artist had a comic career that was finished and done forty-five years ago — it lasted for maybe four months — and he’s STILL considered one of the most influential artists who ever worked.  The balls it takes to be THAT good at something and walk away from it is impressive enough, but it’s par for the course for the Most Interesting Man in Comics.  Let’s take a look at a recent photo of this senior citizen to give you a sense of his essence.

"Last week I punched that Dos Equus guy in the face, just to win a five dollar bet."

Steranko was born tough. Instead of spending his youth PLAYING Grand Theft Auto on his mommy’s couch with his brother’s game system, Teen-Steranko stole actual cars, and occasionally got arrested for it.  That experience in the lock-up inspired him to become a circus escape artist, where laughing at thick, manly chains is in the job description.

But even this wasn’t enough for Jim (Grand Cojones) Steranko, who permanently moved into the he-man badass club-for-life when he became a professional sword swallower and FIRE-EATER.

You read that right, bitches. I can literally breathe fire.

Now you know why Steranko could write the adventures of spy-stud Nick Fury with such authority, and why he insisted on calling Nick the “ramrod” of SHIELD.



Jack (King) Kirby

Who, but an authentic tough guy, could rock this plaid dinner jacket?

We all know that Kirby was THE hardest working man in the history of comics who could write and draw an entire comic book in five days, and it would STILL be better than the one that took you three months.    But besides being an authentic artistic genius, Jolly Jack was an authentic war hero of epic proportion.

MANLY MOMENT #1: When he found out he was going to be drafted, Kirby didn’t go get drunk and beg the local girls for a “shipping-out-tomorrow” roll in the hay…instead he WORKED TWICE AS MANY HOURS PER DAY to double his already astounding output, and stockpile enough pages to continuing publishing his titles without missing an issue while he personally punched out the Nazi war machine.

MANLY MOMENT #2: While sleeping in an infantry foxhole in the winter of ’44 Kirby got frostbite, and was shipped to a hospital where a doctor wanted to take his legs.  Jack said no, and just to show off, he forced the circulation back into his limbs by power of his own male  will.

MANLY MOMENT #3: When a commanding officer discovered Kirby could draw, he started sending Jack out ALONE at night to sketch the terrain and draw maps of enemy territory.   Kirby went behind enemy lines armed with a pencil and paper.  Eat that, pussies.



Mike Grell

Nothing manly to see here. Move along.

“Iron” Mike has so much more going for him than being the creator of THE WARLORD (who is that half-naked dude with a giant helmet and a big broadsword who ISN’T Conan).  To begin with, anyone who’s named after a foundry metal without a trace of irony is already tougher than anyone you’ve ever met.

But Grell gets his he-man cred the old fashioned way. He’s the Ted Nugent of comics — a big game hunter who delights in personally killing and eating the larger creatures of our world, often with no more than an arrow, a knife and his own teeth.  Though I don’t share his love of blood sports, I do share his carnivorous taste buds, and while having lunch with him at a convention a while ago, I brought it up.  He told me that he refuses to eat any creature unless he’s already killed at least one of their species.  “I’ve cut the throats of chickens, ducks, geese…I’ve butchered my own cow.  I feel I owe it to the meals I eat,” he said to me, with an expression I refuse to describe as “Lecter-like”.  I can’t argue with the logic, but I told him it meant he could never enjoy a crocodile steak or shark-fin soup — two meals I have tasted in my travels.  His response, I swear to god:  “I haven’t eaten shark fin soup….yet.”

If this thing in front of me was alive, I'd have eaten it by now.




Bill Mauldin

As the creator of the extremely popular WWII comic series, “Willie and Joe”, Bill Mauldin was the first, last and only cartoonist whose job required him TO BE SHOT AT TO MEET DEADLINES.

Bill Mauldin: He don't look like much, do he?

While with the 45th Infantry, Bill was part of the invasion of Sicily, sketching cartoons about frontline life for “The 45th Division News”, in between dodging live rounds.   These cartoons became popular enough that Bill was transferred to Stars and Stripes for the duration and told to produce the adventures of Willie and Joe as a matter of vital national need.   Any man with a normal set of testes would have hopped a jeep for the rear and started sharpening pencils, gleeful to be out of danger, but not Bill.  Instead he asked for his own jeep, and spent the rest of the war DRIVING AROUND THE FRONT LINES looking for ideas.  And just to prove he wasn’t kidding around, in September of 1943, he had his drawing shoulder ripped apart by a German mortar while visiting a machine gun crew near Monte Cassino.  True to his granite-testicled manner, Bill used it as an opportunity to do a few cartoons about life in an army hospital and kept right on going.

MIND-BOGGLING MAN POINTS: General George Patton once threatened to court martial Mauldin for gross insubordination, but the cartoonist was rescued from discipline by none other than Supreme Allied Commander and future President, Dwight Eisenhower, who told Patton that Mauldin’s characters were essential for troop morale and to “leave him alone”.   Next time you get in trouble, wait and see if the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE PLANET shows up to have your back…

I'm not afraid of Nazis, but Bill Mauldin scared me yellow.



Larry Hama

Don't sneak up on this guy if you value your life.

Whatever those Nancies at Hasbro might think about inventing the famous American action figure with the Kung Fu grip, Larry Hama created GI Joe for a generation of fans, and knows more about macho conflict-fiction than anyone alive.  And lest you think his world of big guns and phallic-named characters was only the product of Larry’s wimpy imagination, you should know this:   Hama is an eighth-degree black belt in five different martial arts.  I don’t know what that eighth-degree means, because every time I ask about it, someone kicks my ass, but I figure being ANY black belt qualifies Larry to obliterate me with one hand.

And just in case Larry has to kill you from a distance, he’s a qualified marksman and weapons expert from his time in Viet Nam serving in the Army Corps of Engineers during the war.

And if that list of impressive man points hasn’t dropped you to your knees in supplication–Hama’s specialty in the Corps?

Demolition and explosives.

Fiery explosions and certain death. Larry Hama must be nearby.

So naturally, the single most goddamned dangerous man in the history of our medium ended up the editor of Wonder Woman comics.

He owed it to Dr. Moulton.


That’s it for today.  My delicate, lily white ass cannot stand sitting for so long.  I have to lie down.

Ty the Guy

click here for more of Ty’s Top Seven lists


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