Tag Archives: Spider-Man

Bun Toons is Still Here?!? YAY!



retail revised

Sigh, I can’t believe we’re still dealing with this nonsense in 2017.

If the “diversity” books weren’t selling, Marvel would stop publishing them.  If the “replace the main superhero with another character inside the suit” gag wasn’t working, Marvel would stop doing it.

If these books not selling in YOUR comic store, consider the problem isn’t the characters.  Because they’re doing very well online, where the customer doesn’t have to go into your friendly shop.

Let’s talk about Red Hulk, or Rulk to his friends.

red hulk.jpg

His identity was hidden for almost a year, and all we knew was that he wasn’t Bruce Banner.  Sales were through the roof.  If the “human” version of Red Hulk had turned out to be Hispanic or Asian, would the sales have gone down?  I hope not.  But even with a “white guy” under the red skin, the sales petered out after a while anyway.  After a last gasp membership in the Thunderbolts a couple of years ago, the Red Hulk no longer has his own title, and can only be found in the (struggling for sales) USAvengers.*

That’s how this gag works.  Marvel has been doing it for decades.

bucky cap

Before Cap was a “black guy”, he the ghostly return of a dead sidekick for a couple of years.  Besides, the “Black Cap” of today is on sale next to the “Nazi Cap” so everyone has a Cap to purchase in 2017.


Did this count as diversity?  Doc Ock was OLD when he replaced Peter Parker as Spider-Man.  ALSO:  I think his heritage is East European.  That used to be considered “ethnic”.

*edited to correct Red Hulk’s current status.

Sorry I haven’t been around to Bun Toon for a number of weeks.  I’ve been committed to drawing a new Bun Toon every weekend I’ve been home, and have continued to do that since this all began…


I’ve been at a comic convention four out of the last six weeks, and the last three weeks in a row.  That makes it seem like I’ve given up on my little bunny adventures, but I absolutely have not.  I’m still drawing one every weekend I’m at home…I’m just home a little less nowadays.

I’m here for at least another couple of weeks before I head out to Los Angeles in late October, and I promise you, each and every weekend I’m in Toronto, there shall be a bunny on your computer being a smartass.

Thanks for sticking around.

Here’s the link to the last Bun Toon…lo, three weeks ago now.

will link

Funny Ha-Ha, or Funny Peculiar Bun Toons!

bunny worried dark green

Hint:  It’s not funny ha-ha this time.

orange is the new black eye websize

It’s really not funny any more.  We’re only a few weeks away from someone getting seriously hurt or killed at one of these Trump meet-ups.  I’m reminded so much of the lyrics of Elvis Costello’s “Night Rally”, which includes the words “…you think they’re so dumb, you think they’re so funny, wait until they get you running in their Night Rallies”.

Spooky true.

Godwin’s Law is suspended for the duration.

Ty the Guy OUT!

I’ve been shouting this stuff for a few years on this Bun Toon.  No one is going to catch me saying “I’m shocked this is happening!  I never saw it coming!”

This is part of a Bun Toon from April of 2011…

april 30 2011

Nostradamus Ty.

big budget superfriends LINK

For last week’s cute and cuddly Bun Toon, click here.

bunny worried dark green

For the Bun Toon Archive, filled with many anti-Trump cartoons, click here.

Love Bunnies Toons! YAY!

Love is in the air, and some of it is on the carpet.

Love is in the air, and some of it is on the carpet.

Today is Valentine’s Day!  It’s also my youngest daughter’s birthday!  So it’s all about love, today, people.   And as someone who has been around the block a few times and lived a life of experience and knowledge, I have insights worth sharing.  (The block was in Metropolis, by the way, and the experience was all in monthly instalments.)

what comics have taught me

Now that’s solved everyone’s love life.

Ty the Guy OUT!


Of course, that’s not the ONLY thing that comic books have taught me about love.  Here’s a BUN TOON from a while back explaining what comics have taught me about the science of slap and tickle…

superheroes in love

That “Ty” signature in the heart shape has been the subject of SO MANY lawsuits between me and the Beanie Baby people.  Don’t make me relive it…


For last week's Bun Toon all about the Star Wars, click here.

For last week’s Bun Toon all about the Star Wars, click here.

For Bun Toons from the past (yes I know the archive is shockingly un-updated!)

For Bun Toons from the past click here.  HOLY COW!  I’VE UPDATED THE ARCHIVE?!?  Yes. 

So Sorry To Disappoint Bun Toons! Woah!


bun toons alt 2014


I’m in the middle of the most crazy deadline pressures of my adult life this last week as I wrap up Batman-Green Hornet and gear up for a quick, but fun visit with Spider-Man.   I’m so, so, so close to the bone with the deadlines that any waking moment not devoted to drawing Adam West and the gang is immoral and cruel to my editor (and colourist and letterer), so I’m afraid I have to run some RE-RUN TOONS this weekend.  (Only the second time I’ve done this in over four years of Bun Tooning! I’m NOT a failure.  I’m NOT!)

Since it’s Batman (and eventually Spider-Man) that are knocking my calendar days around, I figure it’s only fair to re-run some Bun Toons that feature ’em.

batman at noon


spiderman of the prairies websize

 Ty the Guy OUT! 

Bonus Comics on a Deadline Moment featuring my two favourite cartoonists:





Good Man Sept 2014

For last week’s Bun Toon, drawn in a timely manner, click here

For the Bun Toon archive (where you could go find your own re-run toons) click here.

For the Bun Toon archive (where you could go find your own re-run toons) click here.


Hugely Successful Bun Toons! YAY!

Finally....success and fortune are mine!

Finally….success and fortune are mine!




dead bunny websize version





I’m leaning ethnic, but I shouldn’t rule out handicapped or something in the GLBTQ territories…there’s big money in those emerging identities.

I know this will be considered a risky move for the future of this beloved web-toon–to carry on without the only continuing character in the strip….but I can’t exactly do alt-cover second printings with a foil wrap, can I?  I have to get in on the sweet, sweet green any way I can.

Don’t make me actually earn it.

Let us now have a moment of silence, for the little white rabbit, who has delighted us all for so long–Struck down in the prime of life, to fulfill his duties to the corporation.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Apparently, I’m not the first person to think of this…

I'm fairly certain it follows the same plot...hit by a bus, Spider-man arrives to comfort the dying, etc.

I’m fairly certain it follows the same plot…hit by a bus, Spider-man arrives to comfort the dying, etc.

Although this cover of the same book offers troubling details that derail my theory...

Although this alt cover of the same book offers troubling details that derail my theory…


For the last Bun Toon, published long before the beloved bunny had passed away...click here.

For the last Bun Toon, published  before the beloved bunny passed away…click here.

For the Bun Toon archive, so you can peruse the Bunny's adventures in life, and remember him as he was...click here

For the Bun Toon archive, so you can peruse the Bunny’s adventures in life, and remember him as he was…click here



Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Me, Bun Toons! YAY!

I'm officially better than you, now.

I’m officially better than you, now.

big screen websize part two

I swear to god, I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had a chance to get out to SEE the movie…but I hear I’m excellent in it.

Ty the Guy OUT!

At least, this time they got the costume right.

At least, this time they got the costume right.


For the last time I was in a movie, click here...

For the last time I was in a movie Bun Toon, click here…

For the story of what happened the day I shot the Spider-Man film, click here.

For the story of what happened the day I shot the Spider-Man film Bun Toon, click here.

for last week's FCBD Bun Toon, click here

for last week’s FCBD Bun Toon, click here

For the Bun Toon archive, click here

For the Bun Toon archive, click here


Today at your Local Comics Store, the latest issue (#16) of Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man Adventures with a cover by me. I’m pretty pleased with how this cover turned out:


And online, you can get a copy of Batman 66 #4–I did the interior art for this issue, scripted by Jeff Parker. I actually did a happy dance when I first saw the colours for this, done by Wes Hartman. (Print version goes on sale in a month)

batman 66 emperor penguin pg 09

Race out to your Local Comics Store or your local computer and get your copy today!

Ty the Guy OUT!!


Oh, the Shameless Plug

Because this sort of thing matters to the Super-Skrull

Because this sort of thing matters to the Super-Skrull

The next issue of Ultimate Spider-Man Adventures is (choke, sob) the last of the ALL-NEW issues until further notice, Friendly Neighbourhood Fans…But we’re heading out with a bang!  And a few zaps and some punching and fun.

space oddities 1

space oddities 2

space oddities 3

Besides fighting off squee-cute Martians with Death Rays, our webslinger battles a mad scientist, a mouthy Nova, and a snarling Super-Skrull, all in 22 pages of Joe Caramanga-Ty Templeton Ultimate Spidey Romping on our way out the door….

So pick it up when it hits the stands, either this week or next (I never know the release dates of these things), and make Joe and Ty and the editor happy, if no one else.

skrull cover

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Ultimate Spider-Man Adventures stuff:


HAH!  The comic book isn’t being cancelled, folks, it’s just switching formats,  with interiors generated from screengrabs of the actual animated episodes in future issues.  And delightful editor Elizabeth Pyle is keeping your humble Bun Tooner around to provide a cover or two as we move forward.  So I ain’t leaving the Friendly Neighbourhood quite YET!

In fact, my favourite piece of Spider-Man art I’ve ever done is my cover coming up for issue #16 (I think…).  You’ll see it in a couple of months!

Vast and Flat Bun Toons! YAY!

Dedicated to Wil Wheaton, for reasons that will become obvious...

Dedicated to Wil Wheaton, for reasons that will become obvious…

I have it on solid authority, that this was the ORIGINAL plan for the character…

spiderman of the prairies websize

I promised this one a few months back, and it took me that long to draw it.  Blades of wheat are time consuming.

I’m not drawing Aquaman of the Sahara, though.  We all know the lucky bastard will find a bathtub or something.  That’s how it always goes with him.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Spider-Man of the Prairies moment:

cowboy spidey

Yeee-hah!  I WISH that was a real Spider-Man action figure, but it’s a custom, made by BILL’S CUSTOMS (a man clearly dedicated to customizing the super-hero world, as you can see HERE or by clicking the image above.)  As a former Prairie resident-in-law, thanks for that little bit of bronco ridin’ web-slingin’ fun, Bill!


For last week's Controversial Bun Toon about Controversial Orson Scott Card writing Superman Controversially, click above.

For last week’s Controversial Bun Toon about Controversial Orson Scott Card writing Superman Controversially, click above.

for the Bun Toon archive, click the controversial bunny.

for the Bun Toon archive, click the controversial bunny.

In case you care, today's Bun Toon is a sequel to a Bun Toon from last year...

In case you care, today’s Bun Toon is a sequel to a Bun Toon from last year…

Death Threat Bun Toons! YAY!

It's the only threat my kind  understands.

It’s the only threat my kind understands.

What I love most about working in the comics industry, is the fans.  The loving, passionate fans…

dan slott dies websize(If it’s hard to read, the solution is just like with my marriage: rub it with the mouse, and it will get bigger…)

Of course this last bout of death threats is nothing new.  Apparently there were death threats when Shakespeare killed off Falstaff and brought him back as robotic life model decoy in Henry VIth, part 4.

In case anyone is worried, Dan is still alive and well…I spoke to him on the phone last night.  Although, it DID sound a little like a computer generated voice now that I recall the conversation.  Hey, wait….when did Dan start asking me about the proper functioning of my input busses?

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Dan Slott Comic Book Moment.

dan slott alt cover

I’m pretty sure this cover counts as Dan being a Super-Villain….


For last week's Bun Toon, involving no death threats that I know of, click the title above...

For last week’s Bun Toon, involving no death threats that I know of, click the title above…

For Bun Toons galore, going back YEARS, click the bunny above.

For Bun Toons galore, going back YEARS, click the bunny above.