Category Archives: Bunny Funnies

Too Sick for a Bun Toon. No yayy.

When Ty started up Bun Toons, he swore to himself that he would do one every Saturday no matter what. Every now and then, he’ll put one out on a Sunday because it’s related to the day, but generally he draws it on the Saturday so it still fulfills his requirement of a weekly Bun Toon.

But every now and then, even a mighty Bun Tooner falls victim to exhaustion and illness. Too many late nights, too little sleep, too many infectious children in the house, and an ongoing battle with grass and ragweed pollen have all left Ty feeling too exhausted to see straight. That makes it super-difficult to hold a pencil so it makes marks on paper.

So, here’s a repeat of an old DC Shop Talk entry about a previous bout of illness getting the better of Ty…and later today, when he regains consciousness, he tells me that he’s got a Bun Toon all planned out that will go up tomorrow.

And, ’cause I’m recycling here…your Not-Bonus Moment is this, previously seen after Charlie Sheen Bun Toons:

Can you drink someone under the table if the table is three hundred feet high?


Forgive Me My Impudence Bun Toons! YAY!

For I am wretched and unworthy

I spent some time in Texas last weekend, visiting with the kid customers at Randy Lander’s ROGUES GALLERY AND GAMES comic store just outside of Austin.  On the way home, we had a couple of flight delays and I got to read an old graphic novel or two I’d been saving for the trip.

Oh, wow.

And I claim to hate the nine panel grid.  I’m currently reading through all three volumes of CENTURY.  Don’t anyone tell me how it ends.  I’ll be done by this evening.

If Frank Miller and John Byrne want to smarten up, I’ll wash their cars, too.

A lovely alternative cover I hadn’t seen before.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your Bonus Alan Moore and the Bunny Moments.

Just when you think you’re safe from the Watchmen Squid.

Alan and I shared a “single” back in the day. I swear to GOD, he’s the record’s B-Side and I’m the hit.


For last week’s tribute to Matt Groening Bun Toon, click the twin bunnies.

For Every Bun Toon Ever, click the solo bunny above

Rabbit Bye Bye Bun Toons. No Yay.

We bunnies stick together, mostly because we can’t get this horrible gooey stuff out of our fur.

I try not to pass gas at a polite dinner party, or police cruisers on the highway, but there’s no denying the passing of a era with the discontinuation of fellow bunny creator, Matt Groening’s LIFE IN HELL strip.

At least the name BONGO lives on in the comic company that publishes the Simpsons (and occasionally employs me), and the name Akbar lives on as a really cool font.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now your Matt Groening Bunny Bonus Moment.

When I did my first Simpsons comic, lo those many years ago, the editor asked for a photo of me so they could “Simpsons-ize” my portrait in the back of the Halloween issue.   Because I’ve always been a bunny, I sent them a photo of me in a bunny suit.  This is the image that ran in the back of TREEHOUSE OF HORROR #8, drawn by Bill Morrison, I suspect.

The Ty-Bunny, disguised as the Bongo-Bunny, on the inside of a Bongo Comic.  The universe collapses upon itself.


For last week’s Bun Toon, click Sherlock Holmes above.

For every Bun Toon ever, click the bottomless rabbit on his furry bits.

You Can’t Sue Me Bun Toons! YAY!

But I still have a lawyer on retainer.

Had a lovely sleep in this morning, so you get the Bun Toons in the afternoon instead of the morning.    I still love you, but I love my pillow more.

In a world with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Before Watchmen all coming at me at the same time, I feel there’s a few folks we HAVEN’T heard from in the discussion about creatively appropriating the previously created.  (That’s my new euphemism for plagiarism.  It’s mine, don’t steal it.)


Woah.  I thought she was Mona Lisa, and I DREW the damn thing.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS moment of appropriating the previously created.  Because the internet will always out-weird me:

I’m fairly sure she hunts Victorian Vampire-Ninjas.


For last week’s appropriation of my father’s cartooning skills, click the lovely drawing above.

For every Bun Toon ever (in which I often steal other people’s characters, ideas and jokes) click the ripped-off rabbit above.

SPECIAL Father’s Day Bun Toons! YAY!

It’s Father’s Day, dear internet, so we’re getting you a Ty.

click on any of the images in this Bun Toon Special Edition to make them larger.  It’s worth it, trust me.

Unlike my neighbour (Clone Subject #905), I was born biologically, and had a father.  His name was Charles, and I’ve mentioned him a few times on this blog; Chuck was a well-known Canadian celebrity, with a varied and interesting life.

And he sometimes looked like this, during his occasional “moustache” periods.

But before Dad was a Talk Show host, and before he was a best-selling novelist, or a famous inventor, or a network news director, or a Hollywood screen writer, or a politician, or an evangelical minister, he was a cartoonist.

The bulk of his work was published in the mid-thirties, when my father was barely in his twenties, doing sports cartoons for the Toronto Globe (not the Toronto paper the Daily Planet is based on, by the way…that was the Toronto Daily Star, a newspaper my father was eventually the City Editor of).

The original art to the Globe’s sports cartoon on the day Canada won a silver  medal at the 1936 Olympics.  Sports cartoons were as common as political cartoons in the newspapers of that era, and most major dailies had an exclusive sports cartoonist or two as well as a couple of political guys.

These originals are much smaller than you’d expect.  Most of them are about seven inches tall and about five inches wide.   You could fit two across a regular sheet of printer paper.  The one at the top of this Bun Toon is larger because it was for a weekend paper.

When I was a kid, in the 1960s, my father would give me drawing lessons.  He started teaching me proportion, and how to draw the human head from different angles, or the shape of a horse’s leg, or how to hold a pencil when doing “professional” lettering.  This started when I was five or six years old, DECADES after my father had long stopped drawing professionally. The box that contained his old cartoons was tucked away in the basement, forgotten examples of a skill he’d long abandoned using.

I inherited that box full of cartoon originals when my father passed away a few years ago.  I framed a couple and put some on my wall, and put the rest back in the box and left them in the crawlspace of my house. At first I didn’t think anyone would care about them but my family –  But it’s come to dawn on me that they’re probably some of the last newspaper cartoon originals from that era in Canada, and they should be scanned and shown off, just for the historical interest in this lost corner of Canada’s Cartooning Past.

Thanks for letting me present a sampling of my father’s cartoons, on Cartoon Father’s Day.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Chuck Templeton cartooning moments:

Dad did political and editorial cartooning as well, though far less of that survives.  It’s hard to imagine there was a time that Hitler was the subject of political cartoons.

For my American readers:  the campaign referenced here was the campaign to re-elect our Prime Minister at the time:  William Lyon MacKenzie King, seated in the reviewing stand behind the wounded “soldier”.

Speaking of political cartoons, when my father was a politician (he ran for Premier of Ontario and lost.  A Premier is the Canadian equivalent of an American Governor), he amassed a sizeable collection of original political cartoons featuring himself as the subject, drawn in the 1960s by a who’s who of Canadian political cartoonists of that time, including art by Macpherson, Ben Wicks, and others.  I think I’ll save those for a future Bun Toons entry.  Who knew I had half the history of Canadian Cartooning sitting in my basement?


For last week’s Bun Toon (featuring Alan Moore, and drawn by ME instead of my dad) click here.

For every Bun Toon ever (over 98% of them drawn by me!) click here!

Before Bun Toons! YAY!

Ask George Lucas and Ridley Scott…when do prequels ever go wrong?

This actually happened.  I meant to consider the book under its own merits (it’s beautifully drawn and has clever ideas all over it) but try as I did, the man on my shoulder kept demanding my attention.

I didn’t expect that.  I’m frankly surprised.  Do I have a conscience or something?

Ty the Guy OUT!

I know everyone on Earth bought MINUTEMEN #1 this week, so there’s no reason to run the cover.  Here’s your BONUS MOMENT poster that was released to promote the first issue going on sale by the lovely and talented Darwyn Cooke.

Ain’t no denying it’s pretty.


For more BEFORE WATCHMEN Bun Toons, click here.

For even MORE Watchmen related Bun Toons click here (this one contains satire and was misunderstood by almost everyone –  no nasty letters).

For last week’s romantic and disgusting Bun Toon, click here.

For every Bun Toon ever (though at this point, I’ve put up links to practically all of them above!) click here.

Trending Bun Toons! YAY!

Because bunnies always have their fingers on the pulse.

Today, the return of one of my many hugely popular recurring characters, because I go where the enormous crowds are.   Torn from today’s headlines and entertainment phenoms.  I give you…

As a savvy follower of media, let me report to you that the Zombie Apocalypse is official.  If cable news is following the story, it MUST be true.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, you BONUS Zombie Comic Book Moments:

The first appearance of Marvel’s popular Zombie, Simon Garth. The birth of the meme.

The peak of the meme. Now a major motion picture starring Natalie Portman.

A parody too far. Where memes go to die. Gaze upon it, ye mighty, and tremble.


For the FIRST appearance of the Contessa and her troubled love life, click here.

For last week’s elegant and tasteful BUN TOON “take” on DC’s new gay super-hero, click here.

For every elegant and tasteful Bun Toon ever, click the bottomless bunny’s bare butt.

LGBTDC Bun Toons! YAY!

Because you can’t spell “Pride” without “DC”. Except for the “C” part.

Oh, we’ve all heard the rumours, the publicity stunt, the announcement.  But at least we’re chattering about it, which was what was supposed to happen all along.

Think about it:  A Spectre, who is the ghost of a dead gay man, visiting the righteous vengeance of God on sinners and killers, would KICK ASS!  And I mean that in a good way.  If it turns out to be the Black Condor or Vibe, I’m going to be pissed.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Gay DC Comics Moment:

Now it all makes sense!


For last week’s Bun Toon about the new Avengers Movie (in COLOUR!) click the logo above.

For every Bun Toon ever, click the heterosexual rabbit above.

Avengers Bun Toons! YAY!

Bunny Brigade Assemble!

I’ve been so busy making Spider-Man comics for the last couple of days that I  didn’t get a chance to see the latest Marvel Blockbuster until yesterday.  Overall, I liked it, but I still found at least…



I wished Hawkeye had been written a little better, and I think Captain America didn’t have much useful to do in the final battle, and Loki wasn’t as strong here as he was in the Thor movie, but the great stuff with Black Widow and the terrific scenes with team all together, more than made up for the shortcomings.  Avengers isn’t the BEST Marvel movie (that’s still Iron Man), but it’s a really fun ride for your buck.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now,  your BONUS Avengers Adaptation Comics Book Moments:


My favourite Avengers cover I ever got to draw. It featured Devil Dinosaur and the phrase “Dino-FIghting Action”, which is all this young cartoonist could wish for.

My second favourite…mostly because I got to write “Evil scientists stole my love” on the bottom left. I have a “thing” for cover blurbs.


For last week’s Mother’s Day Bun Toon, click the title above.

For every Bun Toon ever, click the adorable rabbit above.

Maternal Bun Toons! YAY!

You can read this Bun Toon AFTER you’ve cleaned your room.

Sorry the Toon is a little late, I got a good night’s sleep, and that meant I started a teeny bit tardy.  But it’s caused me to create the Bun Toon Code.

I Bun Toon through thick and thin, even if I’m sleeping in.

At any rate, this weekend brings us  MOTHRA’S DAY, a day celebrating both Japanese Movie Monsters and typographical errors.  It’s also a return of that annual feeling of guilt that we haven’t phoned our MOTHERS for a while, and to celebrate that pang of regret, I present…

Now, go call your mother,  you heartless web-surfers.  At least do it on Sunday.  And try not to borrow money or ask her to do laundry while you’re on the phone.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Here now, your BONUS Comic Book Mother Moment, brought to you by the tasteful and sensitive people at P.E.T.A.

Isn’t Pamela Anderson supposed to be naked on everything P.E.T.A. does? I’m confused…

No, I’m not leaving the bonus moment there.  Here’s another Mother Based Comic Book Cover that will leave everyone feeling warmer and fuzzier.

Whew! At least that’s wholesome.


For last week’s Bun Toon, explaining the rules of Free Comic Book Day, click the crazed mob above.

For every Bun Toon ever, click the lone rabbit above.