Tag Archives: Batman

Movie Magic Bun Toons! YAY!

bunny orange logo

I’m ready for my close up, Mr. Warner Brothers…

We’re in the final days of counting down before the big, big DC Smash-Em-Up Justice League movie-palooza hits the theatres.   As an expert on the characters, let me introduce you to the new kids on the blockbuster…

big budget superfriends

Wonder Twin Power…shape of a….

I can’t say it in a family webtoon.

See you at the movies, gang!

Ty the Guy OUT!


It’s hardly the first time the Super-Friends have behaved like a bag of crotch rockets.  Here’s how they treated their beloved team mates Wendy and Marvin when they found NEW friends.


No joke.  This was the last appearance of Wendy and Marvin.  They were never heard from again.  I think they became homeless and had to eat the dog.



For last week’s Bun Toons (re-runs but good ‘uns) click here.

bunny orange logo

For the bun toon archive of days gone by, click here.

Evil Bun Toons! Bwah hah hah!

bunny worried logo

There’s nothing quite so evil as a cartoon rabbit.

supervillain confession

There goes my next three assignments from Marvel.  I live like a rebel.

Ty the Guy OUT!


Of course, the only place Donald Trump BELONGS is in the funny papers.


Like in this issue of Mad Magazine’s 20 Dumbest of 2015, featuring work your humble rabbit cartoonist!  Probably still on sale at lazier news stands that don’t turn over their stock very quickly!


00 official logo red cmyk

If you’re in the Toronto area, and are interested in learning to write and draw comics, come on down to the bootcamp and learn!  Writing and anatomy classes coming up in just a few weeks!  Click above for details.

legends link

for last week’s vicious attack on the “other” company, click here.

bunny worried logo green

for the Bun Toon Archive of past years, click here. (yes, it needs updating, but I live a life of fast cars and quality women).

Pre-Con Sketchcover Commissions 2016


I generally only do commissions on-site at conventions but after a number of requests, I did some in advance last year. I was pleased at the results (I like working at home in my drawing chair!) so I’ll be doing it again this year. At the moment, I’m limiting this to sketchcovers. As long as a convention is still listed, I’ll be taking commission requests for it but I am limiting numbers for each con.



Toronto Comicon March 18 – 20


Emerald City Comicon April 6 – 10

Calgary Entertainment & Comic Expo April 28 – May 1

(More to be added as they’re announced)

batman manbat ty templeton

At this time I’m only planning on doing sketchcovers. I do have some sketchcovers in stock; if you want something else, I will see if I can get it from my LCS (and will let you know the added cost).

Single figures are $60, Two figures are $90, ink, markers and copics.

The blank sketchcovers I currently have on hand are:

Batman 66 #23

Batgirl #38

Superman #32 

A-Force Secret Wars #001

The Flash #39

Wolverine #310

Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #001

Wonder Woman #19

Wonder Woman #36 

Justice League #16

rat a tat penguin ty templeton


All covers will be available for pick-up ONLY at the convention. Payment can be in cash at the convention or you can PayPal me before pickup.

If you’re interested, send me an email at tybunny@gmail.com and tell me which blank, and what you’re looking for. I’ll confirm with you before I start anything.


Ty the Guy OUT!

Holy Batman Day, Old Chum! Bat-Toons! YAY!

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-Bun Toons!

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-Bun Toons!

Hey folks!  It’s BATMAN DAY and I’m already up and out of the house, visiting the fine Bat-fans at One Million Comics in Toronto (531 Yonge St, just south of Wellesley), signing comics, doing sketches, annoying the fans, etc.

Since I haven’t the spare ten seconds to toon any buns before I leave this morning,  I leave you with a heaping helping of Bat-Toons from Bun Toons past….a TOP TEN Batman Bun Toon-a-palooza!

Who says this isn’t the Bunny Age of Gotham City Satire?


This Elseworlds Toon was created before Brian Williams got into trouble, so ignore his recent history.



Batman won his battle.  The Spectre is still fighting Stephen Hawking.



Shout out to Dan Slott, who kind of wrote Batman at Noon…



I’ve just been informed that DC is turning the above Toon into a twelve issue mini-series.



Okay…that one might have been just for me.  How many of you have Pete Best albums?  Anyone?  I own TWO.



Still waiting for a TOS Star Trek meets Batman 66 miniseries.  I’m ready…



The cartoon is on youtube if you HAVE to see it.



There…now you don’t have to see that movie.  Except for the Catwoman bits.



But you SHOULD be watching Gotham.  It’s still a hoot.



Yeah, I know I reprint that one all the time….but this is a top ten.

See you at One Million Comics!

Ty the Guy OUT!

If you make it out to visit us at the store, here’s what I’ll be doing…


Cover sketches, baby!  Bring me a blank cover (and a little of that folding money) and I’ll muck up the cover with one my doodles on it.

harley carousel


batmite v batman

See you there!


For last week's EQUALLY Batman-centric Bun Toon, click here!

For last week’s EQUALLY Batman-centric Bun Toon, focusing on the recent good news about Bill Finger… click here!

For the Bun Toon archives, click the delightful rabbit above.

For the Bun Toon archives, with even MORE Batman Toons that didn’t make the top ten (so why read them, huh?) click the delightful rabbit above.

Fingered in a Good Way Bun Toon! YAY!

bat toon logo

Sometimes the good guys win one.

Congratulations on everyone who did right this week.  There’s a few that deserve a shout out, but perhaps one in particular…

finger justice

Marc and I are prepped and ready to fight the good fight when it comes to the creation of Courageous Cat.  My information tells me Stan Lee was involved.

Ty the Guy OUT!


bill boy wonder

Most readers of this Bunny Blog know I might have had a thing or two to do with Marc’s book, but I cannot stress enough the above-and-beyond work that Marc did since the graphic novel/kid’s book was released.


I noticed my Batman without Bob Kane strip is being reprinted all over the internet again this week…but I SO prefer that people run with the PROPER one, so here it is again…

batman without kane


For last week's Bun Toon featuring GOOD MAN, Co-Created by Bob Kane, click here.

For last week’s Bun Toon featuring GOOD MAN, Co-Created by Bob Kane, click here.

for the Bun Toon Archive click here.

for the Bun Toon Archive click here.

To go to Marc's blog and read about his adventures in Finger-Land, click here

To go to Marc’s blog and read about his adventures in Finger-Land, click here

I’m in Montreal, so…no new Bun Toons today…BUT….

batman points

….But I will share a bunch of new sketch covers I’ve done for the Montreal convention.

wonder woman

If you’re in the Montreal area, come on down and say hello!  I’m always happy to meet a new fan when I’m out of town…even if Montreal is as close to my second “home” town as it gets….I’m still away from my desk.

caesar joker 66

I mean…my mother’s from Montreal.  My brother in law lives there…my eldest son went to college in Quebec…

batman 66 and robin 66

…and of course, I’m currently there myself.

batman rain

So come on over and say hello.  I’m happy to do a sketch for you, the character of your choice (though probably not characters I’ve never heard of or seen before, so nothing from World of Warcraft or Fast and the Furious, I’m afraid…)

batman 66 batarang

I do a lot of Batman covers.  Probably because of all the Batman comics I’ve drawn over the years.

bat climb

So…I’ll see you guys when I get back with a new Bun Toon.  Probably something about comics, or American politics, or whatever happens between now and then.

batman buildings

Ty the Guy OUT!

Ty Cannot Come to the Bun Toon Today!

If only I had the time to draw this well today...

If only I had the time to draw this well today…

With all the comic book tsuris that happened this week (Batgirl covers and all), I had lots to say in bunny form, but alas, my opinions are restricted to my mouth today, as I am attending a Comic Convention in Toronto, and am out of the house by 8.30 this morning.



I’m having a great time (except for the lack of sleep) so come on down and say “hi”, and if I’m functioning and awake, I’ll do you a sketch, and mouth off about something pithy.

miracle man 2015

Yesterday I did this Miracle Man for a fan…literally HOURS after re-reading the 16 issue “Original Writer” reprints from Marvel earlier in the day. Talk about timing….

But if I’m muttering and snarly, I need sleep and might be about to pass away from exhaustion.  Then it’s best to ask for THIS character, as I can see her anyway…

Another Friday sketch from Toronto.

Another Friday sketch from Toronto.

Ah, I’m kidding.  I’m still happiest drawing Batman.  I know what he looks like without reference.

Ty the Guy OUT!

san diego memories websize

Happy New New Year Bun Toons! YAY!

top five logo 1

Happy New Year everybody (he said, knowing it isn’t)!  Wasn’t last night a blast (probably  not)?

It’s OFFICIALLY the first of the new year,  here at Bun Toon Central, and time for the Most and Least Popular Bun Toons of 2014 to be revealed.


Our champion of the year was read by far, far more folks than possibly any Bun Toon of all time.  There’s almost no way to tell.  Normally, I use the local webcounter here, and tally up all the links back to determine how many eyeballs landed on my humble bunny funnies, but this little viral monster ended up everywhere online, on everyone’s ELSE’S tumbler, on their website and eventually onto the printed page as a poster (available exclusively at Reno’s Wizard World Comic Convention last year!).  I can’t count up other people’s tumbler numbers, and couldn’t even guess at how many people lifted this Bun Toon whole cloth, so we’re just going to say “lots and lots” and leave it at that.

And it’s all for the love of Mr. Finger…

fingerless batman poster websize

That version above is actually the “cleaned up” version of the strip, which originally ran in a much cruder form, but it was hard to read, and I wasn’t proud of the pastiche style…

The original looked like this:


But who can read that lettering?

Best parts of crusading for Bill The Boy Wonder last year:  Creating awareness of his story, and getting to talk to his granddaughter Athena Finger.  The tide is starting to turn towards justice for Bill’s place in history:  If you go to Batman’s wiki page, it says co-created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger nowadays.  It’s only DC Comics that can’t admit it, but the part of fandom that isn’t controlled by an iron-clad legal document that keeps Finger from getting his due credit, is happy to embrace Batman’s other papa.

For last week's Bill Finger Google Doodle Campaign, click here

Finally.  Batman fans have been given the Finger.


Time for hilarious failure.

When they decided to kill off Wolverine, right after bringing Peter Parker back from the dead, slightly after the return of Jean Gray, but after the murder of Professor X, which was followed by the return of Nightcrawler…I started to think there was no choice…at least if I wanted my Bun Toons to catch on.

dead bunny websize version

That’s Ortiz, the Hispanic Pool Boy in the last panel, a beloved ethnic slur that showed up in the strip a few times over the summer.  He wasn’t popular either.

That strip up there was only the SECOND least read Bun Toon of the year…the honour of being dead LAST was earned the very next week when I decided to keep up with this silly Dead Bunny Saga…and NO ONE showed up to play along.

dead bunny part 2

The Pepsi drinking version of the Bunny (with the backwards signature on his shirt) hosted Bun Toons for the rest of the summer, but I quickly stopped making reference to his being an evil twin as no one seemed to notice or care.


Eventually, I simply put the signature on the shirt the right way ’round again in September, and the readership boycott drew to a close.

I thought it was a funny “take” on the industry’s fondness for slaughtering its heroes, but I’ve never been so wrong in my instincts before.

Which means, the epic, twenty-eight part “Return of the Bunny” will never see the light of day.  It’s a pity, because I would have brought back the Watcher, Gwen, Jor-El and Lara, and Jack Kirby in successive chapters.


See you NEXT week for the start of Bun Tooning 2015!  (No entry tomorrow, I don’t want to overstay my welcome with six Bun Toons in a row!)  What’s coming up will surprise you, because it will surprise me.  I never know what these little stories will be about until Saturday morning.

Ty the Guy OUT for 2014!

Bun Toons Countdown YAY!

top five logo 5

Good lord, are we ending another year again?  I keep insisting we only do this once every decade or so, but something was said about calendars being important to the economy, and I, as a gentleman, deferred.

So, to honour tradition, we re-present our best and worst of the year – starting with those FIVE Bun Toons that soared above all others in popularity, touching the hearts of the internet across the globe… and including the five LEAST popular Bun Toons – the ones that no one clicked on or read, and even my mother disdainfully shat on.   I feel as an artist, I must air my dirty laundry or else how annoying could I really be?

Our fifth most popular Bun Toon is no surprise, as it features Comicdom’s most popular character in his most popular story, written at the top of my game.

BEST BATMAN EVERWhat I especially love is that the Robin that was most recently dead when I wrote this, IS in fact, alive again at this point.  My powers of prognostication are strong!


Let us turn now to failure.

Perhaps I’ve loved Good-Man more than he deserves, as I keep doing more and more Good-Man comics over the years.  I think we’re up to episode forty-eight with this character and we get nothing but hate mail when I publish each instalment – shocking, vitriolic stuff that makes Gamergate look like a valentine card…but I don’t care, I shall never give up on the character.  Good-Man represents all that is good and honest and true in this world, and they really don’t take me very long to draw.

GOODMAN websize

See, and here I am, making you read another one.


goodman on patrol

I’m such a bully.

TOON in tomorrow, when I reveal the 4th most and least popular Toons of the year, and possibly say something amusing whilst presenting them to you.  ‘Tis my nature.

Ty the Guy OUT!


Also a tradition around here, we wish a happy birthday to STAN THE MAN LEE, co-creator of the Marvel Universe, and father of Bruce Lee, the famous kung fu movie star.

He’s 92 this year (Stan, not Bruce), and can still beat me at full contact kick boxing, though we haven’t gotten in the ring together since July, so I might be able to take him by now.

Happy Happy Stan Day.

stan_lee_action_figureStan Lee’s kickboxing action figure.  It’s rare to find them “mint in box”, as they usually punch they own way out.

Reno Convention Bun Toons!

I'm in the sunshine, all you snow covered Canadians, you!

I’m in the sunshine, all you snow covered Canadians, you!

Hey there internet family.  I’m not at my desk today…I’m not within a thousand miles, or even my own country at the moment, as I’m in RENO, NEVADA for the Wizard World Convention this weekend, signing the comics and meeting the peoples.

Normally, I don’t put up a Bun Toon on convention weekends, and I run an old one, but today, we’re doing a slight variation on that.

See, I was asked to give the Wizard folks an image to do up as a poster for the convention, and the one that was decided upon was my Bun Toon about Batman without Bill Finger.

The original art for that was pretty low-rez and sloppy as it was for a Bun Toon, not a poster.  So I did up a proper, put-some-effort-into-the-artwork version of this year’s most popular Bun Toon and this is the result…available as a poster in Reno!

fingerless batman poster websizeI think if you click on that it gets bigger in your browser…try it and see!

Ty the Guy OUT!

ALSO exclusively available in Reno is my alt cover variant for Superior Iron Man #1

00 wizard world iron alt

But…since you guys are so good and deserve it, here’s the cover without the trade dress, only available RIGHT HERE at Bun Toon Central!

00 superior iron man cover final colour

My wife Keiren did most of the colour work on this one.  Knocked it out of the park, she did.


For last week's original, not a re-run Bun Toon, click here.

For last week’s original, not a re-run Bun Toon, click here.

For the Bun Toons archives, click here

For the Bun Toons archives, click here