Uncomfortable for Everyone Bun Toons.


julie schwartz cop

I’ve always heard these were “rumours”, but I know of other creators who were with me when this stuff happened in front of us.  It wasn’t a secret to anyone we knew.  But still, they’re “rumours”.

In a month where Louie CK, President G H W Bush, Kevin Spacey, and so many others are being outed as sexual miscreants, let’s hope the dam is finally broken.  This stuff happens ALL the time, with lovable, respectable men we don’t want to believe are capable of such creepy activities.  I’m still reeling from Bill Cosby.

Was Julius Schwartz a predator or a lovable (but dirty) old man?  I don’t know.  I didn’t really know him.

But he genuinely pulled this “whoops, did I run my hands over your nipple?” trick in front of me.  More than once.

When women tell you it’s happening, believe them.

When men know it’s happening.  Say something.

Otherwise it’s everywhere.

Ty the Guy OUT!

julie cover

Schwartz appeared as himself in a couple of cameos in DC Comics and ended up an official fictional character in the DCU.  He met Superman a few times, helped rescue a dimension-lost Flash, and was uniquely chosen to survive the destruction of “Earth Prime” during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, arriving on the final Earth 1 at the conclusion of it all.    Oh, and he helped create the DCU in the first place.  So there’s that.

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For last week’s equally disrespectful Bun Toon about another legendary creator, way more important than I am, click here.




Frankly Speaking, Bun Toons! YAY!

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Reminding  you of a time when newspapers still existed…The SUNDY FUNNIES!

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You guys have no idea how much I enjoyed enjoying DK III.  That was part of the experience to me – the growing sense that I wasn’t hate-reading it.

In fact, it was darned, rootin-tootin’ GOOD.

But retroactively, the whole thing gets jingly-bingly in my memory now.


Ty the Guy OUT!

Not my first time Bun Tooning Frank Miller in this position.

frank miller funnies

dark jesus

A few years ago:  My idea of the next “big thing” in publishing.  If only they’d listened to me.


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For last week’s “spooky” themed Bun Toon, click the sperm-bunny-ghost.

BOO Toons! YAY!

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Y’know- without the bunny ears, cartoon ghosts look a bit like sperm.

I’m a world traveller, and as a result, I’ve learned things NO ONE else knows.

Swedish Halloween

It must be true.  It’s on the internet.

Ty the Guy OUT!

The BONUS Bun Toons for today include a couple of my favourite Halloween Memories:


That story is absolutely true.  This was a long time ago, before Gal Godot was a household word and movies had yet to discover Stan Lee.  Yes, there WAS such a time.


As you can see, my family opts for traditional Swedish costumes during the holiday.



The golden age of everything is twelve.  This comic came out around the time I was twelve, so it’s probably my fave Halloween cover.


This one came out when I was in my late forties.

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For last week’s philosophical Bun Toon, click the image above.

Unsolicited Advice Bun Toons! YAY!

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Hey.  You.  You’re living your life wrong, trust me.

Okay–the world can be an awful place.

The American President is a loon, there’s danger around every corner, and Gord Downie passed away this week, sending all of Canada into a collective tailspin.

But I have the solution.

half and half

Ever since I was a kid, I always figured– “…so long as you’ve got a glass, you’ve got a seat at the table…who cares how much you have left?  The glass is less than full because you drank some already–go drink the rest while you’re still here.”

Once the glass is gone, then you can complain.

Until then…


Ty the Guy OUT!

half spidey

Some see my copy of Amazing Spider-Man #14 as torn in half.

I see TWO copies of Amazing Spider-Man #14 that are both half-there. I’m thinking of doing this to ALL my comics…

link to last one

To read last week’s BUN TOON, somehow NOT about TRUMP, but including this image…CLICK THE HORN PLAYING MINSTREL ABOVE (it might have something to do with nude ladies, though, do CAREFUL!)


For the criminally not-recently-updated Bun Toon archive, click here

You get to read the article BUN TOON! YAY!

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Is it JUST a coincidence that I’m ALSO a cartoon rabbit?

playboy to a man


I was travelling to a convention in Memphis when Hugh Hefner died, and didn’t get a chance to BUN TOON about it.

I’ve asked a number of people if they ALSO opened Playboys from the back, and have met only two people who said they did….and they were ALSO comic book artists.  The whole “front or back opening controversy” was clearly a test.

I’m pretty sure I passed.

When I was in my early twenties, the FIRST places I ever sent samples of my work to, was Playboy and Mad magazine.  I was rejected, and kept the rejection letters pinned over my desk for years.

I still have since worked for Mad Magazine a number of times, but never graced the pages of Playboy.

Something to shoot for.

Ty the Guy OUT!

For those of you not born a male cisgendered hetero cartoonist-in-training in the 60s, here’s what you missed:

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The fantastic pin-up art of Alberto Vargas.  Often MUCH better than the photo in the middle of the magazine.



B. Kliban- funniest cat cartoonist of an era.


The GORGEOUS paintings of Erich Sokol

buck brown

The journeyman: Buck Brown


The always funny John Dempsey

playboy tarzan cartoon 001

The impossibly talented Doug Sneyd (it was hard to find one that was SFW, but you get the idea)


The casual skill of Phil Interlandi


The KING:  Gahan Wilson.

Playboy cartoon _Cole_ 1954o

The magnificent Jack Cole (creator of Plastic Man!)


Little Annie Fanny was created by Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder, with occasional help from Frank Frazetta, Jack Davis, Russ Heath, and whatever illustration genius was in the building with a brush.


Hefner himself started life as a cartoonist, and had he been more successful at it, he might never have founded a magazine that went out of his way to support the best and brightest of the field.


Hefner published the MUCH better version of Mad Magazine (called TRUMP), with the original gang of idiots.  It was so good, it lasted a whole two issues.  I have ’em both, and you can open Trump from either the front or the back, it doesn’t matter, there are no naked ladies cluttering up the front of the magazine.


this is the earliest version of the Playboy Rabbit.  It can’t be a coincidence that I turned out to be a relative of some sort.

l_playboy rabbit


For last week’s BUN TOON, click here.



Bun Toons is Still Here?!? YAY!



retail revised

Sigh, I can’t believe we’re still dealing with this nonsense in 2017.

If the “diversity” books weren’t selling, Marvel would stop publishing them.  If the “replace the main superhero with another character inside the suit” gag wasn’t working, Marvel would stop doing it.

If these books not selling in YOUR comic store, consider the problem isn’t the characters.  Because they’re doing very well online, where the customer doesn’t have to go into your friendly shop.

Let’s talk about Red Hulk, or Rulk to his friends.

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His identity was hidden for almost a year, and all we knew was that he wasn’t Bruce Banner.  Sales were through the roof.  If the “human” version of Red Hulk had turned out to be Hispanic or Asian, would the sales have gone down?  I hope not.  But even with a “white guy” under the red skin, the sales petered out after a while anyway.  After a last gasp membership in the Thunderbolts a couple of years ago, the Red Hulk no longer has his own title, and can only be found in the (struggling for sales) USAvengers.*

That’s how this gag works.  Marvel has been doing it for decades.

bucky cap

Before Cap was a “black guy”, he the ghostly return of a dead sidekick for a couple of years.  Besides, the “Black Cap” of today is on sale next to the “Nazi Cap” so everyone has a Cap to purchase in 2017.


Did this count as diversity?  Doc Ock was OLD when he replaced Peter Parker as Spider-Man.  ALSO:  I think his heritage is East European.  That used to be considered “ethnic”.

*edited to correct Red Hulk’s current status.

Sorry I haven’t been around to Bun Toon for a number of weeks.  I’ve been committed to drawing a new Bun Toon every weekend I’ve been home, and have continued to do that since this all began…


I’ve been at a comic convention four out of the last six weeks, and the last three weeks in a row.  That makes it seem like I’ve given up on my little bunny adventures, but I absolutely have not.  I’m still drawing one every weekend I’m at home…I’m just home a little less nowadays.

I’m here for at least another couple of weeks before I head out to Los Angeles in late October, and I promise you, each and every weekend I’m in Toronto, there shall be a bunny on your computer being a smartass.

Thanks for sticking around.

Here’s the link to the last Bun Toon…lo, three weeks ago now.

will link

Healthy Wealthy and Wise Bun Toons!

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It was the 51st anniversary of Star Trek a couple of days ago.  Keep that in mind as you read on…

Since last time I Bun Tooned, this humble little bunny won a Joe Shuster Award for Best Webcomic.

Thanks for any and all who nominated or voted for the rabbit.  He’d blush if he wasn’t covered in white hair.

Speaking of which….

star trek books

My wife is convinced there is a context for which this woman’s comment wasn’t horrible.  She thinks the cashier thought that two hundred books is too big a collection for one person and that it’s an achievement worth passing along.

I think she believed I wasn’t capable of reading that many books in the limited time on Earth I have left.

I read at least one of these per week when I have the spare time, sometimes two a week.

I’m fairly sure I have more than four or five years left breathing.

Ty the Guy, not yet OUT!

I’ve only gotten through about forty of them since I started buying them at the Value Village, but quite a number of them have been rip-snortin’ fun little yarns.

My favourites so far:


David Gerrold, creator of Tribbles did this one!


Spock’s son takes the stage.  Pretty good story, actually.


First contact between Vulcans and Humans, NOT the story told in First Contact, and I’d argue it’s better.


Adventures of Captain Pike and Lt. Spock.  Much good.


Fun little thriller with a great set-up…Kirk gets a court martial for breaking the Prime Directive!


This was an unfinished episode written by THEO STURGEON!!


For the last Bun Toon, click here.

Another Honest to God True Life Adventure!

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great unknowing rev

Okay, so I don’t blame the hotel guy, who was probably a wonderful person and didn’t deserve my condescension.  But when you’re not from the area, and you don’t see the slave cabins as the asterisk to the plantation experience, but the centre of it, his response was shocking.  Those places are ground zero for the American holocaust, and the idea of planning a wedding there is horrifying to me, no matter how lovely the house and grounds are.

When you’re raised to see the anchoring crime at the bedrock of your history as a minor detail, a passing footnote, a blip in an otherwise lovely thing, you’re unconsciously part of the problem, I’m sorry to say.

I’m sure he didn’t mean anything.  He just didn’t know.

Ty the Guy OUT!

New Orleans has given the world a number of lovely comic book heroes…


Monica Rambeau was a New Orleans resident before becoming the second  most-named-Avenger-ever, Photon/ Pulsar/ Spectrum/ Captain Marvel.   (MPD Super-hero Hank Pym tops the list with seven names.)


N’Awlins gets to claim the Ragin’ Cajun as well.


Is there anything more wonderful than the Atomic Knights in the French Quarter?  You’ll notice there’s no signs in the background for strip clubs, jazz halls and palm readers, so I don’t know what part of the quarter they’re in…

punching nazis

For last week’s Bleeding Heart Left Wing Bun Toon, click above.


For another story from that same trip to New Orleans, click the Scissors Bunny above (settle in, this is a long story).

Bun Toons Teaches Important Lessons! YAY!

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A moment of sunshine and flowers first

Ah, what a delightful week it’s been.

People are asking questions….what can I do?  Where can I help?  What is the solution?

Well, I’m here to instruct.

how to punch a nazi

I’m encouraged by the anti-Nazi turnout in Boston today.  I’m encouraged the PayPal and Facebook and many other digital platforms have discovered a “No-Nazis” rule lately.  I’m encouraged that America is woke to racism now that a white woman is dead.

But we still have a few more Nazis to punch before they get the message.  I want those hate filled vermin to feel fear to leave their homes with “88” tattoos, or white power symbols.

No slope.  No slippery.

Punch a Nazi today.

Ty the Guy OUT!











Punching a Nazi is good exercise for the body and soul.

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For the last Bun Toon (“Family Values”), click here.

Family Values Bun Toons! YAY!

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Think of the CHILDREN!!

You think it’s easy living in this modern world?

It’s a struggle.  Each and every day.

peak geek

Ty the Guy OUT!

I should point out, young Spock has been around the Trek universe almost since the beginning.


He first appeared in the animated episode YESTERYEAR, a time travelling Spock-Meets-Himself-as-a-Child story.  It’s actually, a pretty good Trek episode, but it gets death-duel arguments from Trekkies about it’s level of canonical acceptance.

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Of course, there’s Genesis Planet Spock, grown from his own dead cells to house his own katra on Star Trek’s Eden World.


A couple of scenes later, we are treated to “Pon-Farr” Teen-Spock and his very special after school episode with Lt. Saavik.

yng spIII01

“This won’t be creepy, because you’re not the real Saavik anyway.”

And of course, we must include NuTrek’s baby Spock–from the first/eleventh movie.

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Okay, I shouldn’t have gotten so excited.

There’s already a LEGION of baby Spocks.  It’s like Spider-Verse at this point.

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For last week’s Bun Toon, which OBLIQUELY references the new Star Trek Discovery series, click the words FICTION EXPLAINED.