Tag Archives: Man of Steel

Icky Personal Bun Toons! YAY!

Mark this under the category: Things you can't un-know about someone.

It’s only fun until someone loses an eye or something.



…aaand that’s why we can’t have good DC Comics film franchises.

If you’re not familiar with David S. Goyer, or his delightful take on comic fandom, DC characters or She-Hulk in specific, you can go here and breathe it all in like a fine bouquet.   Just remember while you’re reading it, that Mr. Goyer is in charge of the DC movie universe.

I hear the new X-Men picture is pretty good.

Ty the Guy OUT!


This is one of a handful of issues of She-Hulk I co-wrote with Dan Slott.  If we would have known what Mr. Goyer was doing with the issues after we worked on ’em, we would have sat in Purell while plotting…




Why was I dressed like a Spider-Bunny last week?  There’s only one way to find out, true believers.

A link to the Bun Toon library of hundreds of other stories, most of which will not mention David Goyer or masturbation

A link to the Bun Toon library of hundreds of other stories, most of which will not mention David Goyer or masturbation



Who’s Number Two? YAY!

top five 2013 logo number 2


Ah, the silver medal.  As Jerry Seinfeld once said, “Of all the losers, they came in first”.

The loser’s winner this year is another Superman related entry on the Bun Toon countdown…or at least a Kal-el related entry, because I’m not sure I ever saw Superman in this story.

But an alien named Kal-el?  Sure…

(Spoilers for the MAN OF STEEL MOVIE coming up).


I confused people with this review, as I’m still approached by folks who think I hated the movie.  I didn’t hate the movie, I actually rather liked it.  I thought it was an excellent alien-first-contact movie with a race of super-powered monsters…(Kal-el being one of ’em).   I can’t wait for the sequel where Batman and Wonder Woman try to beat the hell out of the alien menace flying around Earth named “Superman”.  I’d be scared poopless of this xeno-disaster and I’ll be rooting for Bat-Fleck to take him down.

None of that means I didn’t like the movie.  It’s just not a Superman movie.


The Bun-Toon-as-Movie-Review up top was delightfully well received by the internet.  The Bun-Toon-as-Game-Piece was not.

During the San Diego Comic Convention weekend, I published a Bingo card for convention attendees to fill out.  The winner won something, I don’t recall what…because no one played.  So no one won.

I’m taking my game and going back home.

bingo card

We had thousands of cards printed up and distributed through FedEx.  It cost us tens of thousands of dollars.  We had to take a second mortgage on the house, and now I greatly regret it.  The prize would have bankrupted me, though.  I think it was a new car, so there’s that, I suppose.


Since it’s my countdown, and we’ve already done the second best and the second worst, I’m tossing in a BONUS Bun Toon:  This was a follow up to the MAN OF STEEL review a couple of weekends later.  I figured since Man of Steel made mad bank, there would be imitators.

Very slight MAN OF STEEL Spoilers…


In truth, I just wanted to reprint that horrifying Lucy-pulls-the-football panel again.  I love showing off that I could have drawn the Peanuts strip for the last five years and no one would have known, well except for all the blood.

My son likes that I made the dad on Family Circus say a doody-word.

Ty the Guy OUT!

Bandwagon Bun Toons!

Can I hop on?  I'll follow the trend...

Can I hop on the trend?

Okay.  So the MAN OF STEEL movie is making serious bank.  Obviously, there’s a public out there hungry for a cynical, terrifying Superman.

No one’s stupid enough to ignore that audience.  So…

websizeOf course, we need David S. Goyer and a production company to make the money off these ideas…but there’s gold in there, Jerry!  GOLD!

And I think I want that Family Circus panel as a T-Shirt.

By the way, just so there’s no confusion.  I actually liked the MAN OF STEEL movie…

Ty the Guy OUT!

DC Comics is already ahead of the trend of the parent company.  This is from a recent World’s Finest, apparently.

Next: Aquaman drowns Wonder Woman.

Next: Aquaman drowns Wonder Woman.  COOL.

Optimism and honour in our heroes is SO 20th Century.



treasure map link

For last week’s Bun Toon, a Tribute to Kim Thompson, click the happy ‘coon.

For the Bun Toon archive, click here.

For the Bun Toon archive, click here.

For the Man Of Steel Bun Toon Review, click here

For the Man Of Steel Bun Toon Review, click here

Great Krypton Bun Toons! YAY!

Hop, hop...and AWAY!

Hop, hop…and AWAY!

So, I saw the Man of Steel yesterday with my 13 year old son.

And I asked him, as we were walking out of the theatre, “What did you think?  Did you like it?”

And he said, “I don’t know.”

That’s kind of my reaction…(Slight spoilers ahead)

WEBSIZE MAN OF STEEL REVIEWThe cast (except for Amy Adams, who is preposterously mis-cast as Lois Lane) is uniformly great.  The direction is fantastic, the special effects magnificent.  The battle sequences are the most spectacular super-fights ever put to film.  Better, even, than the Avengers.

But it’s all in service of a movie that is geared to make you think Superman is a hateful, selfish, homicidal dick.  The last scene of the movie is Superman needlessly destroying expensive government property, just to be an asshole about it to an American general.

Why make a Superman movie that insists you be terrified and resentful of the stand-offish alien Superman?  Why make a Superman movie in which he NEVER DOES ANYTHING HEROIC?!?!

(BIG SPOILER: move the cursor over the text:  The bad guys are defeated by human beings, Superman is just there to destroy Metropolis).

The mind reels.

Other than THAT, it’s a good movie.  Like THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL meets GODZILLA….only Superman is both Gort and Godzilla in that scenario.


Ty the Guy OUT!

Your BONUS moment involves the story of how I got the pants.

secret revealed websized


For last week's somewhat SUPERMAN-inspired satire, click the hastily drawn image above

For last week’s somewhat SUPERMAN-inspired satire, click the hastily drawn image above

for the Bun Toon archive, which features many Superman related posts, click here

for the Bun Toon archive, which features many Superman related posts, click here

Research material for your weekend movie watching

So, it sounds like all the people who haven’t already seen Man of Steel are gearing up to see it tonight or tomorrow. I’ve seen LOTS of comments from people I know–and I’m impressed that the opinions are completely divided. People either hate it with a fiery passion or they’ve already bought tickets to see it for a third time.

DON’T tell me any spoilers, and plot points or…well, anything, as I’m planning to see it tomorrow with my youngest son. I’ve heard it’s a “Superman for our times” or “a Superman movie for people who weren’t Superman fans.”  Until I get to see it and have my own opinions, I thought I’d post some research material showing what I know about the character of Superman up until today, courtesy of past Bun Toons.

First up, the man himself:

Superman in Four Panels


And the woman herself:

lois in four panels websizeAnd lastly, I made my own predictions as to how the summer’s box office would go–we’ll see in a couple of days how right I was:

movie predictions rev


Ty the Guy


Bonus moments of superhero goodness!

My kids have always been superhero fans and showed it at an early age.


Superboy Taylor and Superbaby Sean

and, much like their dad, they didn’t always worry about whether they liked the guy everyone else liked:


Kellam in Blueface. Hallowe’en 1999, with Bunny Taylor and TyBunny


And your Bonus bonus moment:


Click HERE to go to “Superman vs. Jesus vs. Halloween”



Summer Blockbuster Bun Toons! YAY!

The webcomic is free, but we make our money on the popcorn and soda

The webcomic is free, but we make our money on the popcorn and soda

Hollywood relies on the summer blockbuster as an integral part of their fiscal year.  Without the hundreds of millions worth of income the summer brings the studios, there would be no money left for the budgets of next year’s miserable bombs.  So if you want any more Green Lanterns or John Carters to be made, you have to see this year’s crap to give them the liquidity.

But for those who just want to watch the cream of the crop, don’t worry, I’ve reviewed EVERY summer comic book movie, before any of them have come out.  How can I do it?

I have mystic powers…

movie predictions rev

I know all…I see all…if only Hollywood came to me first, we could save everyone a lot of trouble.

Ty the Guy OUT!

When it comes to Comic Book based movies, there is only ONE possible bonus moment:

When one considers the high quality talent associated with this film, it's almost against science that this film is so, so, so bad.

If one considers the high quality talent associated with this film, it’s almost against the laws of physics that this film is so, so, so genuinely awful.


For last week's Lois Lane at 75 Bun Toon, click the fun lettering above

For last week’s Lois Lane at 75 Bun Toon, click the fun lettering above

For the Bun Toon archive, please click the bunny with the bun

For the Bun Toon archive, please click the bunny with the bun